thirty-nine: round 'n round

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"hyung, shoot them! shoot them!" jeongguk cheered as taehyung hit all the little ducks flowing along. he was successfully able to hit as many as he can, earning a total of nine-hundred points, fifty points for each duck.

"you can choose any from here," the man running the game booth pointed to the top then the bottom of the prize rack, "to here."

"which one do you want jeongguk-ah?" taehyung turned his head to the younger.

jeongguk looked at the variety of prizes, there was everything from giant plushies to little bouncy balls.

"hmm, i want that one," he said pointing to a little bunny charm all the way at the bottom.

"really? you know you can also get the big plushies right?" taehyung suggested.

the younger shook his head, "it's fine. i prefer smaller things, they may not hold the same value but they hold the same meaning."

"okay, well that one it is," the older said to the man.

the man grabbed two charms, "you've won so many points, it's only fair for you to take two of these."

taehyung and jeongguk thanked the man, and collected both charms.

"here, you have the bunny one, and i'll have the tiger," jeongguk said.

taehyung nodded, placing the the little charm safely in his pocket.

"gguk-ah?" the older called out.


"we've really become like a real couple, haven't we?"

jeongguk was a little taken aback by the question. he gave a little shaky laugh, "how's that possible when we've broken up? anyways, let's go see what the others are doing."

taehyung knew the younger was trying to make an excuse, but before he can ask further questions, the boy started running towards another booth where yoongi, jeongyeon, and jimin were. he shook his head and followed jeongguk.

"yah! stop distracting me! you're going to ruin my aim," they heard jeongyeon yell.

she was trying to get in little hoops over the bottles, but jimin seemed to be having fun trying to block her.

"hey," the blond said when he noticed the couple approach them, "wanna see jeongyeon's horrible bottle toss skills?"

"it's your fault i'm not getting any in!" she yelled, "okay, i'm gonna throw them now, y'all better stand back."

jimin raised his hands to his chest defensively, backing up. everyone watched as jeongyeon focused hard on the bottles. they also watched her fail every attempt at throwing them in, making all of them burst out in laughter.

"i'm going again!"

"yah, you've used too many tickets on this," yoongi said back.

"we need to keep at least fourteen for the ferries wheel," jimin informed.

the lady at the booth turned to them, "if you want to ride the ferris wheel, i suggest getting in line now. the lines get long pretty quick."

jimin nodded to the lady, thanking her for the tip. everyone agreed to take the lady's advice. before they can start heading the ride, they needed to find two who are missing.

"where's beomseok and baekhee?" yoongi asked.

"they were just here," jeongyeon trailed off, looking around, "i'll text her."

jeongyeon took out her phones, tapping a few keys, a reply coming instantly.

"she said they're both near the merry-go-round."

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