fourty-nine: by my side

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taehyung was shaking, shaking in fear. he had end the call abruptly the last time, so the orphanage had been calling him. every time his phone rang, taehyung dreaded looking at the called id. he hoped and prayed it wouldn't be them, but it always was.

the orphanage is a memory taehyung wanted to forget so badly, remove completely from his life. memories of the abuse his said caregivers gave him. memories of watching other kids get chosen from young couple. memories of those kids escaping to have a better life. the orphanage is like an ugly scar taehyung just can't seem to get rid of.

no, he can't be afraid. he needs to face it. when they called again, he picked up the call.

"finally, we've reached you!" a male's voice said.

"what do you want?" taehyung said coldly.

"kim taehyung?" the boy tried to confirm.


"do you remember living here, sunny care orphanage, when you were younger? i would like to confirm it's you."


"great. it says here the reasoning for you leaving was because you turned to a legal age and went to live out on your own? is that true?"


"do you have any family members that you know of?"



"please just tell me why you called."

"look, i'll cut to the chase. a family member that claims to be related to you has come to search for you here. it would be greatly appreciated if you—"

the male couldn't finish his line, as taehyung ended the call.

the boy stood frozen for a while. his phone slid out his hand and crashed to the ground with a thump. "i have f-family?" taehyung squeaked out in his empty room, which echoed his voice slightly.

no, this can't be. taehyung's an orphan, he doesn't have family. he doesn't have a mom, a dad, a brother or sister of any kind. this is impossible.

taehyung doesn't need family right now, or does he? does he want a mom or a dad? he's never yearned for the touch of a mother, or wanted a father figure in his life. should he? all the other kids at the orphanage did, why didn't he. who could it be? who could possibly be looking for taehyung right now? why, and why now? should he hate them for not coming earlier? why did they leave him there in the first place?

he had so many questions running through his mind, too many questions for one man to handle. tears were at the brim of taehyung's eyes, a small whimper escaped.

he needed something, what does he need right now?


yes, help. he wanted help. he needed it, he needed someone to help him think, as he can't decide for himself. taehyung quickly grabbed his phone that he had dropped earlier, calling the first person that came up to his mind.

it ringed once, twice, and the third time, he finally answered.

"j-jeongguk?" the older croaked out, tears already falling from his eyes.

it took a few seconds for the younger to process the boy's voice as he hadn't heard it in so long. jeongguk almost fell of his stool when he had gotten the call. he didn't know if he should answer or not, but he's glad he did, as taehyung doesn't seem to be in his best state.

"hyung? hyung! what happened? are you alright?" jeongguk started bombarding him with question as he heard taehyung let out little whimpers.

"please, i just need someone by my side right now," taehyung's voice shook uncontrollably, but his words were clear.

"i'm... i'm coming."

short chapters cuz i'm vv tired from staying up until five to finish my school project and watch the comeback preview show and mv releasefake love.
speaking of that...

oh. my. fucking. god.

everything about their new album is amazing and i can't even start with their fake love mv.

it was amazing, and that taekook thing at the beginning got me screaming. also, jeongguk pulling up his shirt knowing damn well he's killing all of us is something i cannot handle.

i really love magic shop, paradise, and sincerity that couldn't be delivered/the truth untold the most! (and obviously fake love)

we stan kings. can't wait for them to perform at the bbma's.
hope y'all had better sleep than me.

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