five: different

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jeongguk stops in front of a little apartment building.

"hmm, why'd you stop?," taehyung asked taking the earphone out, jeongguk mirroring his action.

"'cause i'm home."

taehyung looked at the building they stopped beside. it looked decent enough.

"okay let's go," taehyung said walking towards the entrance.

"woah wait a minute. where are you coming?" jeongguk stopped taehyung in his tracks.

"i wanna see your place."

"maybe another time," jeongguk kept thinking if he cleaned up the mess he had in his room. he can't let taehyung think he's a slob. not that he really cares, but it's always embarrassing for someone to see your home when it's not at its best state.

"why not," taehyung pouted.

oh god he looks so cute when he's pouting.

not as cute as jeongguk, taehyung would've thought if jeongguk had said that out loud.

"i'm tired, i wanna sleep. you could come over tomorrow."

taehyung let out a sigh, "fine, but you better open the door for me tomorrow."

jeongguk nodded. taehyung started walking back to the side walk, jeongguk kept looking at him until he was completely out of the property. before following along his path, taehyung stopped and turned towards jeongguk.

"bye-bye," taehyung said waving, "see you tomorrow, my pretty boyfriend."

jeongguk didn't react, didn't wave back, didn't even smile. just displayed a sort of shocked face. taehyung flashed his box smile one last time before continuing to walk towards the convenience store so that he could clean the little mess they left. jeongguk quickly ran into his apartment.

jeongguk shut his door, legs too weak to walk, he slid down, his back against the door, sitting on the carpeted floor.

"boyfriend." he remembered taehyung saying.

what have I agreed to?

jeongguk brought his hands to his hair, something he does when he's confused.

jeongguk, what are you doing? are you crazy? you're in a relationship with someone you don't even know, and for a week that is.

jeongguk keeps backtracking everything that has happened, all the way from when he gave the list of songs to the cashier. never in his twenty years on this godforsaken planet has he experienced or met a boy like taehyung.

he's different.

now the question jeongguk has is if he's different in a good way, or a bad way.

jeongguk will figure that out soon, after-all, he will be spending a lot of time with taehyung for the next seven days.

"well, i should start cleaning this place."

my mind keeps telling me to keep writing even though no one is reading it, but it makes me happy that at least one person read it, so i'll keep going on with this fic.
sorry if this chapter was really short, the next one is gonna be long though!
see you in the next chap
bye <3

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