twenty-seven: fragile heart

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about half an hour passed by, and taehyung still hadn't returned. jeongguk finished hanging up all the ballons, even the ones eunha had blown up from the package, that she also ripped with her teeth. yoongi didn't let them use the kitchen scissors, as they we're strictly for food items and not plastic.

jeongguk became worried, scared the older might have gotten in an accident of some kind on the way. maybe he should text him?

"he should've been back by now, she lives at most a ten minute walk from here. don't worry jeongguk-ah, i'm sure nothing happened."


"maybe you should try calling him," jimin suggested.

jeongguk took out his phone, unlocking it and finding his contacts application. a smile spread to jeongguk's lips as he saw the contact taehyung had saved for himself.

my one and only taehyung oppa <3

he pressed on the call button, and placed it to his ears. a frown quickly took place to jeongguk's lips as it went directly to voicemail.

another thirty minutes passed by, all decoration had been hung up and everyone left except for jimin, yoongi and jeongguk. finally, taehyung ran in, opening the door quite quickly, out of breath like he had ran here.

"sorry," he panted, "she didn't have a first aid kit or bandaids at her place," he took a deep breath, "so i had to run to a nearby stores to buy one, but the ones i went to were out," he took a breath again, "so i had to run to my place to get mine. then i had to show her how to change it herself and it took a while."

jimin grabbed a water bottled and passed it too him, which the older gulped down quickly, "okay, okay, breathe."

"seems like you guys are done here. sorry i couldn't help, i tried coming back as soon as i could."

"you did more than enough. we finished just a few minutes ago, we were waiting for you so we can lock up and leave," yoongi added in a groggy voice.

"sorry, where's jeongguk?"

"he fell asleep a few minutes ago in the break room."

taehyung nodded and headed to the break room. jeongguk lied on the bean bag, his head tilted back, lips parted slightly, hands clutched to his phone in case he got a call from the older.

"gukkie?" taehyung whispered out, not expecting jeongguk to wake up so easily.

the younger was shocked at first, then once he realized it was taehyung, his expression turned into an annoyed one. jeongguk checked his phone for the time, letting out a sigh as he calculated how long taehyung had been gone.

he got up abruptly, and walked out, taehyung following behind him.

"see you tomorrow, jimin-hyung, yoongi-hyung. we'll talk about the road trip over lunch. goodnight," he bowed leaving the the café. taehyung bid goodbye as well and rushed out to jeongguk.


jeongguk didn't respond, and kept walking.

"are you ignoring me? are you mad?"

"what do you think?" jeongguk replied, staring ahead.

"sorry it took so long. i had to make sure
baek-ah knew how to change the bandaid."

"baek-ah? whatever, i don't care. i hope she's well now," jeongguk said annoyed, but he truly did wish the kind girl to feel better.

taehyung tried thinking hard on why jeongguk was so moody, and it finally clicked. "wait, don't tell me... you're jealous?"

jeongguk stopped in his tracks, turning around to face taehyung, "me? jealous? pft, as if."

could you be anymore obvious.

taehyung smiled widely, running up close the younger and pinched his cheeks, not letting go.

"aww my little cutie wootie is jealous. jealousy suits you very well gukkie."

"i said i'm not jealous," jeongguk's words came out as gibberish since taehyung wouldn't let go of his cheeks no matter how much jeongguk tried tearing them away.

taehyung leaned in giving him a quick peck, still squishing his cheeks. the younger eyes still open, surprised at the older's actions.

finally, taehyung let go of the younger's cheeks, but neither of them moved from their spots.

jeongguk lips curved into a pout, which taehyung couldn't help but give another peck to.

"yah, stop it," jeongguk scolded, ready to walk off, but taehyung's hand grabbed the other's face with both hands.

"nope," taehyung said giving another peck, the younger not being able to shift his head away, "not until you admit you're jealous."

after another peck, jeongguk got tired and annoyed. not necessarily because he didn't like the physical contact, mostly because it was so... quick.

"yah, i said stop. fine, i was jealous, happy?" jeongguk finally gave in.

"very much."


"you being jealous just shows how much you love me."

"i never said i loved you," jeongguk scoffed.

"not everything is said in words gukkie."

"that doesn't even make sen—," jeongguk was cut off by the swift movement of taehyung attaching his lips onto the younger's.

jeongguk couldn't help but melt into the kiss, forgetting all about his anger. this boy really had the capability to control jeongguk like he was a puppet. that scared jeongguk, it scared him a lot. he never thought of himself as someone who could be pushed around easily. he was always one to decide for himself and not let anyone else influence his choices.

but here he is, letting a boy he hasn't even known for a week, do anything he pleases to jeongguk's fragile heart.

two updates in a day?? woah who am i!
to make up for not updating yesterday woops
the last two chapter were just fillers for thursday (in the actual story) cuz i honestly didn't know what to write
main idea for this chap and last chap was to make gukkie jealous without an asshole of a character
mission accomplished? idk

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