twenty-six: feeling green

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"sorry, we're closed at the m— oh, jeongyeon-ah, it's just you! i thought you weren't coming today," jimin said has he turned to greet the unexpected visitors.

jeongyeon stood their annoyed, a friend standing beside her. "i wasn't but baekhee over here wanted to help. well, i'm starving, i'm gonna go to the ramen place next door, does anyone want anything?"

"actually can you ge—," jimin started, but got caught off.

"okay so nobody? great, don't bully baekhee, see yah."

the girl, baekhee, bowed right after jeongyeon left, "hello, i hope i can be of help."

jimin gave a light smile as he knew baekhee before and knew her intentions of coming here.

"of course. uh, where'd beomseok go?" jimin asked looking around, along with the girl whose eyes seemed to be wandering for someone too.

"he left a few minutes ago, his mom called saying her back was aching," taehyung answered as he brought out two packs of balloons.

jimin let out a sigh of disappointment, matching the same expression as baekhee. "very well then, baekhee, can you help taehyungie, this guy here, blow the ballons?"

baekhee gave a weak nod, her excitement from earlier all gone. she took little steps over to the table taehyung sat, opening the first pack of ballons and dumping them out. there was various different patterns of gold and white on each ballon.

"hello," baekhee squeaked out as she flopped on the chair.

taehyung looked up to the girl, giving his famous box smile in hopes of cheering her up from whatever grief she was in. "hey there, tell me if you need help tying the ballons."

the girl was surprised at how handsome the male was, but she couldn't help thinking of another face she would've rather sat with. even thought she was feeling a bit down, the other's smile seemed to be contagious, as her lips slightly curved up.

baekhee gave a nod as a reply, picked up a balloon and began blowing. she didn't have any struggles with tying the ballon, so they both did one balloon at a time at their own pace, keeping a light conversation on the amazing coffee served at the café.

on baekhee's fourth ballon, she had accidentally let it go. the balloon flew around the room in a drunk manner, releasing a very obnoxious sound, and somehow hitting jeongguk, who had just finished tying up all the coffee bags, straight in the forehead as all the air had finished escaping out.

jeongguk was shocked at first, but once he heard the older laughing, he couldn't help but approach the source.

jeongguk held up the ballon, "very mature, hyung"

"it wasn't me, i swear! but seriously, that was awesome baekhee, do that again," he said in between laughter.

the younger turned to the girl he was talking to, who looked a bit nervous.

"i'm so sorry, that was my fault. oh, i'm sorry," the girl bowed multiple times to put emphasis on each word.

jeongguk waved his hands, "it's fine."

after taehyung had finally stopped laughing, he thought it was a good idea to introduce the girl.

"oh yeah, baekhee-sshi, this is jeongguk. gukkie, this is baekhee-nuna to you, she's the same age as me."

"nice to meet you," baekhee said with a bow, even thought she was older, she thought it'd be polite to give one. jeongguk quickly returned a bow.

"so, need any help? actually wait, no, i suck at blowing ballons" the younger male said, as he grabbed a seat.

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