fourty: jealous

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"what did you wish for?" taehyung asked the younger as they both exited the pod, joining a smirking yoongi and jimin.

"if i tell you, it won't come true," jeongguk replied.

as they got closer, jimin's smirk widened into a grin.

"why is jimin-hyung smiling like a weirdo?" jeongguk questioned with a smile.

"you do know that the pods were glass, meaning they were see through, transparent, colourless," jimin said, "y'all need to save that for a more private place, not that we're judging or anything."

jeongguk's smile quickly faded, his cheeks burning up instantly. "ha ha," he tried to laugh it off awkwardly. he turned to taehyung who seemed to be unaffected by jimin's comments. soon after, beomseok and baekhee followed, and let's just say jeongguk wasn't the only one blushing.

"where did jeongyeon go?" yoongi asked, looking around.

they spotted her sitting on bench a few metres away, of course on her phone and sipping on a drink she must've bought. the group approached her, finding her showing a stupid smile as she stared her phone.

"jeongyeonie," baekhee squealed as she ran quite quickly to jeongyeon, attacking her with as side hug as she sat down. "who are you texting?"

jeongyeon quickly locked her phone and shoved it in her sweater pocket, "nothing! why are you in such a happy mood?"

"huh, oh n-nothing," baekhee said twirling a strand of hair between her fingers.

"spill the tea right now!"

the rest walked slower and finally reached the two girls who were screaming. they decided not to question them, but one certainly knew the cause of their high pitched squeals.

"the sun's setting, we should start heading back," yoongi requested. frankly, his legs started becoming sore and he was stressed about having to wake up early the next day to get the shop back in shape.

of course, everyone disagreed at first, but eventually became tired of trying so gave in to the idea. they exited the carnival area, seeing that the boy from earlier was still there handing out pamphlets. he gave a smile to the group, waving goodbye as they left, especially a wide-toothed smile at taehyung.

jeongguk scoffed as he noticed taehyung wave back, "i see you still think he's cute."

"oh, is my little jeonggukie jealous?" taehyung ruffled the younger's hair, who pushed away the older's hands, quickly fixing the mess.

jeongguk puffed out his cheeks, not wanting to answer.

"okay okay, remember when i went to tell that boy something?" taehyung asked, earning a small nod from jeongguk. "well, i just told him that his hair was styled very nicely, and he complimented mine's too."

jeongguk turned to the older, a smile threatening to form on his lips. "really, that's it?"

taehyung nodded, "of course, why would i think anyone else is cute when i have the cutest man in the world right beside me?"

the younger was quite shocked, his jaw basically dropped to the ground. "you smooth mothe—" before jeongguk could finish his sentence, beomseok called out to them to get in the van.

the ride went smoothly, everyone sharing about their favourite rides and games from the carnival, jeongguk of course talking about the great show.

jimin decided to play some music later on, making sure to blast it at the maximum volume, rolling down the windows. yoongi was quite embarrassed, but couldn't help but show a gummy smile as he heard everyone sing along at the top of their lungs. whenever a more romantic song came on, taehyung would scream out the lyrics while looking at jeongguk, the younger doing the same. if you didn't know that they had only met a week ago, you would've said they have been dating for years.

their chemistry was just so perfect, almost as if they belonged together.

music seems to be what is pushing these two boys together from the start.

short filler
changed the title at least three times now.
bts is performing at the bbmas!!!!!!!!!!
i remember watching the last one and expecting 'till the very end for a surprise performance but it's fine because this time i won't be disappointed!

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