sixteen: out of this world

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there wasn't a single piece of jeongguk's carpeted floor that wasn't covered by his clothes. he was rummaging through his closet, his old clothes, even his dad's old clothes, throwing any garment of clothing that wasn't to his liking behind him.

"fuck," jeongguk cursed, as he emptied out the last box of clothing. he looked back at the mess that he had made, and let out a sigh.

he was getting ready for his first official date with taehyung. sure, taehyung has seen him before in his casual clothing, he's even seen jeongguk in his iron man pyjamas, today should be no different.

jeongguk doesn't even know why he cares so much. it's just taehyung. no one special.

after debating for a while, he decided on wearing his never before worn washed out tight and ripped skinny jeans, and an oversized beige hoodie over a white shirt, that was revealed a bit at the bottom. there was nothing special in his look, so jeongguk decided that he should apply the tiniest bit of makeup. just foundation and concealer to hide his acne, and maybe even a very light lip tint. barely noticeable. jeongguk felt a bit embarrassed to be using his old high school makeup he had found in one of the boxes.

he parted his hair with a bit of hair gel, instead of having his usual bangs down that made him look like a coconut head.

he didn't forget to apply some of the cologne his father had given him about a month ago, which oddly had a sweet smell.

"done," jeongguk says exactly when the doorbell rings. he grabs his phone and rushed to the door.

he stops, taking a minute to breathe, then opens the door to find a fucking gorgeous ass —in jeongguk's opinion— taehyung.

he was wearing black skinny jeans, a white-tee and a huge jean jacket. just like how jeongguk examined taehyung, taehyung in return checked out jeongguk from head to toe.

a smirk displayed on taehyung's sinful —once again, in jeongguk's opinion— lips. "you look good babe."

has his voice always been this deep?

"thanks, uh– you too."

"shall we go?" taehyung reached his hand out, which jeongguk being jeongguk rejected and started walking, heading to the exit. taehyung knew the younger was just teasing, so he just shook his head with a grin, and followed behind.

once they reached the sidewalk, jeongguk waited for taehyung as he was going to lead the way.

"so, where are we going?" jeongguk questionned.

"a surprise."

"oh please lord, i hope he actually knows where we're going."

"oh shut up, of course i know. it's very cliché though, so don't get mad."

"it's fine, i love cliché."

"oh, do you know?"

jeongguk looked at the other male and gave him a nod, "it make me forget about the cruel reality out here. so please kim taehyung, take me out of this world."

da fuck did i just write
sorry for the short chapter, i swear the next one will be longer!

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