fifty-two: oh baby

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"come in," a deep voice yelled. taehyung was shocked. has his voice become... younger? it's still as deep as ever, but more caring, more soothing. can it be? has the director changed?

jeongguk waited for the other to open the door, so he gave him a little nudge to take the older out of his trance. taehyung reached to the door knob, gave it a slow twist and pushed the door.

he has changed. completely changed! it wasn't even the director taehyung last remembered seeing. has he gone through plastic surgery? he looks quite familiar to the old director, it's a possibility.

"yes?" the man who claimed to be the director questioned.

"i'm, uh—" taehyung was utterly speechless, so jeongguk decided to take matter into his own hands.

"hello, this is kim taehyung, you had asked to meet him?"

"yes, kim taehyung! come, come, sit, both of you," he said while pointing at the two chairs in front of his desk.

taehyung and jeongguk slowly approached the two chairs, and took a seat. the two young males eyes caught a little boy sitting beside the director, playing with his fingers.

"oh, sorry, this is laon. laon-ah, say hi."

the little boy shyly bowed, not saying a word.

"ah, sorry he's a little shy. we were just playing a game of chess. sorry laon-ah, give me a few minutes and then we can continue, alright?" the man smiled down at the boy, who nodded with a wide smile, running to the corner of the room which held a few toys to wait.

the director taehyung remembered would never let any one play in his office, let alone let them in if it wasn't for a beating.

"by the look on taehyung-sshi's face, you weren't startled from only the little boy?"

"sorry, it's just— just this place has changed so much."

the director nodded. "yes, to be honest, the director that ran this place when you were here is my uncle."

explains the similarities.

"he was arrested a couple years ago during a building check when one of the boy's was found with dark bruises. i would like to apologize to you for whatever damage my uncle had cost you," he said and bowed.

"oh, i-it's fine. your not at fault for you uncle."

the man continued, "i decided to take over as i just finished studying and fit the requirements. decided to renovate the place up so it suited all the kids liking."

taehyung nodded, still trying to process.

"oh god, i almost forgot. let me introduce myself, kim namjoon," the man held out his hand for both the males to shake.

"now, let's get to why you've come here. a family member, specifically your mother, has claimed that you were her child and came here looking for you."

"m-mother?" taehyung stuttered. his hands quickly clutched onto jeongguk's hand, who decided to overlap his other hand on the older to provide comfort.

namjoon nodded. "now, all her records seem to be accurate. a dna test could be done, but she would like to meet you first."

the boy, once again, speechless, couldn't get his mind to cooperate.

"i know this is a lot to take in at once taehyung-sshi, but your mother regrets leaving you here. she's very sorry. actually, it'd be better for you two to talk this out. she was actually here not to long ago, but had a meeting to attend to. she said she'd visit again tomorrow. your mother has been visiting since we first called you, actually, hoping you'd come one day."

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