fourty-eight: fake smile

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"thank you," jeongguk bowed to the last customer of the day, who had just picked up there special order. his smile quickly faded as they left. if jeongguk were to be honest, his mouth and jaw were in pain from having to fake a smile for so long, in front of customers and his father. he let out a sigh, and walked to the front, flipping the board to show the closed sign and locking the door.

once jeongguk returned to the back, he found his father up, opening the fridge.

"appa, what are you doing? i told you to call me if you need anything," jeongguk said as he ran to his father's side.

"oh calm down, i just wanted some water. it's not like i can't walk," mr. jeon laughed it off, returning to his bed.

"did you eat and take your pills?" jeongguk questioned.

his father looked to the ground. "well, i ate."

"appa! you need to take your pills too, why do you think i bought them. please don't be a child, hmm?"

"i know, i know, but i don't think these stupid capsules are doing anything. y'know, back in my days w—"

jeongguk interrupted his father, shoving the two little pills to him. "well nowadays, these medications are what help you."

mr. jeon sighed and took what his son had offered him, but instead of taking them, he stared at the little white pills in his hand.

"please, drink it for me?" the boy begged, lower his pitch to sound like a child.

"fine, anything for my gukkie." with that, his father took both pills at the same time, washing it down with water. "happy?"

jeongguk nodded with a bright smile. "of course. now, it's time to go to sleep."

"i feel like a child again, back when my mom used to tuck me into sleep. what they say is true, after your mother, it's your child who will take care of you. many say this is false, but i'm lucky enough to have a son like you."

"i know, i know. now, sleep."

his father laid back down on the bed, and the younger put the cover over him. jeongguk then proceeded to walk to the blank canvas, and took a seat on the stool.

"you're not going to sleep?" mr. jeon questioned.

the boy shook his head, "i just need to finish this up, and then i'll sleep."

his father nodded. "when are you going to move back to your apartment?"

"what? you don't like having me around?"

"no, but i know that you're a little claustrophobic jeongguk-ah. this place is too small for both of us."

"no, i think it's enough, and i like staying with you. back in my apartment, i was always so lonely."

his father hummed, sleep evident in his tone, "whatever you say gguk-ah."

jeongguk waited until he heard light snores from his father to completely fade away his smile. his gaze averted to boxes stacked at the corner, which held his belongings. it's been a week since he had moved out. it's also been a week since he's talked to taehyung. jeongguk knows the boy should be the last of his worries, but he couldn't help thinking of the older's huge smile, longing to see it once more.

he turned his attention back to the painting. the shop had been going well, but not well enough. they still aren't getting many orders, but an idea came up in jeongguk's mind earlier. he should print out some flyers and hang them around town, as their shop is pretty small and only a few know much of it. for now, jeongguk should focus on finishing the order.

the customer had requested a painting of her son, which she provided a picture reference. now, jeongguk wasn't the best at portraits, but he decided to try his best. as he began sketching, he couldn't help but remember of a certain someone looking at the young boy's box smile.

that damn smile again.

it was odd that it was always a smiling taehyung that would pop into jeongguk's head. maybe that's what needed, to see that smile one more time, then everything would be alright.

the boy fished out his phone, scrolling through his images. unfortunately, jeongguk had not captured a single picture of the older. a frown formed on the jeongguk's lips, but he quickly shook his head, telling himself to work on the painting, which he did. it took him about three hours to complete the painting, as he payed close attention to the details.

jeongguk let out a yawn and stretched his arms out. he looked at his phone to check the time.

one thirteen am.

his thoughts began racing around, he even began talking with himself talking with himself.

it may be the tiredness clouding his mind, but the younger couldn't help it as he thought, "maybe i should go visit him."

are you insane? what are you gonna tell the guy, hey sorry i ended things off on such a bad note, just wanted to see yah smile, i swear i'm not a weirdo, ok, bye?

"you're right, wai— i'm right. wh— ugh." jeongguk pulled his hair. "i'm going insane."

the boy has been getting an odd feeling about the older. was he possible hurt? might he have gotten into an accident? jeongguk decided to brush it off. he was certainly going insane.

y'all i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready
comeback is tmr.
bbmas is sunday.
fake love teasers are already making history, wigs have been snatched.
they all look so fucking good and my god i'm gonna cry and scream and cry and scream and cry and—
breathe. breathe. breathe.
how to breathe??
good luck to y'all, hope you survive.

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