thirty-one: mcgorgeous

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"i'm hungry," jeongyeon whaled out, receiving a laugh from the rest of the group, except for yoongi of course.

"we literally got on the road ten minutes ago," yoongi scolded, keeping his eye straight ahead.

"yeah, but like, i'm hungry." jeongyeon jumped as she saw something through the window, "there! look! a drive-thru, let's go order some food!"

yoongi let out a sigh, ready to refuse, but noticed the rest became excited about the food too, so took a turn into the empty mcdonald's drive-thru.

"hello, how may i help you?" a female voice rang from the ordering machine. yoongi turned back, "what do you guys want?"

everyone started yelling out their order, even jeongguk and baekhee who were quiet.

yoongi soon began irritated with all the clustered words, "everyone, shut to fuck up. go one at a time, from the back."

"the bacon tomato deluxe with two large fries, and a milk oreo frappé," yelled out.

"the fuck are you going to do with two large fries?" yoongi questioned.

jeongyeon let out a fake gasp, "are you calling me fat?"

"wha- no, ugh. whatever, next."

"umm, i would just like a mcchicken please," baekhee asked, very politely too. she seems to get quiet around a certain someone, but is usually outgoing.

"ooh me too, but make mines a combo." beomseok added, making baekhee slightly blush.

"jeongguk, tae?"

"i want a big mac combo, and you gguks?"

"uh, a cheeseburger combo i guess."


"i've been meaning to try the corn shrimp burger. oh, make it a combo and also a melon mcflurry."

yoongi nodded and turned back to the ordering machine, "i apologize for taking so long. we would like the bacon tomato deluxe, two mcchickens, make one a combo, a big mac combo, a cheeseburger combo, a corn shrimp burger combo, the seoul spicy chicken, two large fries, melon mcflurry and a milk oreo frappé. all the drinks will be sprite."

the drive-thru employee typed in all they're orders onto the screen, yoongi's eyes widened at the total but shrugged it off as there was nothing he can do.

"you're order will take a while to prepare, i suggest you come wait inside, or wait in our parking lot. you pay at the next window. thank you for ordering at mcdonald's."

yoongi went up, and payed the total, struggling to slide his credit card as he knew he'd be broke by the end of this trip. he then parked in the parking lot.

"okay kids, who needs to go to the bathroom?" yoongi joked.

truthfully, baekhee needed to go, as she had forgotten to go at home. her hand raised slightly, not enough for yoongi to notice, but enough to catch the eye of beomseok.

knowing yoongi would get mad, beomseok spoke out, "oops, i think i need to."

"we left literally ten minutes ago. why didn't you go then?"

"nature calls?" beomseok tried saying.

yoongi let out his millionth sigh after getting on the road, "okay, let's just all go wait inside."

everyone got out one by one, running into the restaurant as if they were kids.

as soon as they entered, everyone rushed to the washroom.

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