fourty-one: firefairies

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"let's go into the woods!" jeongyeon yelled excitedly out as they entered their hometown.

"jeongyeon, it's too dark. what do you even want to do in the woods?" yoongi asked.

the sun had already set, even though the should have arrive here hours ago when the sun was still shining, but they made quite too many pitstops.

jeongyeon shrugged, "i've always wanted to explore our woods at night, but baekhee here is too scared. come on, we have our phone's flashlight, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"get ourselves killed," baekhee said at the same time taehyung yelled, "i'm in!"

jimin looked at yoongi, "aww c'mon babe, it could be fun, and i know you'll be there to protect me if anything happens."

yoongi coughed a little, his pride rising to the top of his head, "of course i would. well, since you guys are all persisting—"

"literally threes of us, less than half!" baekhee cut him off, which was ignored.

"—we'll go, but only for a little. my legs are already sore enough from walking around at the carnival."

"do you think we'll find a hobo sleeping in the trees?" jeongguk whispered to taehyung.

"i heard hobo's are nice people," taehyung whispered back, earning a smile and a nod from the younger.

"the woods at the east side right?" yoongi questioned, getting an approval from jeongyeon.

it didn't take quite long to get there, but the path wasn't big enough for their van, only taking them about five metres in before having to go on foot.

jimin and baekhee turned on their phone's flashlights; two was enough for the group to see where they were heading.

taehyung began making weird sounds, almost like an owl? he earned a weird look from everyone, and a couple laughs.

"what are you doing, hyung?"

"i'm calling out to the fairies. it's my fairy call."

jeongguk just shook his head and laughed more at the older's childishness.

they walked a bit further, finding nothing but trees and trees and trees.

"maybe it's time we head back," baekhee suggested, which the group of course put down as they didn't find anything interesting.

a little later, something caught taehyung's. it seems sort of like a path, and a more open area which wasn't planted with seeds. he tried getting a better look, and once he did, his mouth was wide open. he tapped jeongguk, who didn't turn to face the older but hummed out, "hmm?"


"hyung, fairies don't exi—" jeongguk turned, his gaze followed what taehyung was pointing at, bright little orbs of light. "holy cow, fairies!"

they both got the group's attention as jeongguk and taehyung walked to the light source.

"fairies?" they questioned, following the two.

"not fairies you dipshits, fireflies," jeongyeon yelled astonished, running out into the land, careful not to cross over into the pond.

the little beetles were all lighted up in different hues of green and yellow, flying around softly. they were all amazed by the beauty of nature.

jeongguk held out his hand, a little firefly landed on his hand but quickly flew away.

"you're shining as bright as these firefairies," taehyung commented, making jeongguk giggle.

"yes, firefairies."

"aren't they pretty?" jeongguk asked, still looking around at the amazing sight.

"not as pretty as you."

"hyung, this is not the time for you to be flirting."

taehyung chuckled, wrapping his hand around the younger's. "i'm only stating facts."

"whatever," jeongguk said, his bunny smile as wide as it can be.

"you know tomorrow's the last day right?" taehyung's tone changed a little.

"yeah," he replied simply.

"let's meet up at the café tomorrow, it's where it all started right? same table, same time?"

jeongguk nodded, looking up taehyung who's smile was very genuine, just like the younger's.

they couldn't believe one week has gone by so quick, yet they felt like they had known each other for years. the two learned so much about each other, experienced so much together.

is it really all coming to an end?

bts. world. tour.
i wanna go to their concert so badly (even tho it's not where i live, like a three hour drive) and i'm trying to convince my parents to let me go cuz this broke ass don't have no money
wish me good luck

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