twenty-five: a lot better

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"higher," jimin said, making yoongi and taehyung groan as they lifted the light gold streamer higher.

jimin places his hand on his chin, shutting one eye, "just a tiny bit lower," he added.

jeongguk came in with a box of napkins, laughing at his hyungs' dilemma. he put the box down, taking each light brown napkin out and folding it to look nice. there was fourteen tables in total, all of which jeongguk took responsibility for. taehyung had decided to help out with the decoration around the café itself thinking it would be easy, boy was he not ready for jimin.

"hyung, where'd you put all the fake flowers?" jeongguk asked the ever so busy jimin, who pointed at a box without looking, as if he had a third eye.

jeongguk nodded and jogged over to the box, scanning through the fake flowers he requested as decoration for the tables. they were various different sizes and types of white flowers dipped in gold paint with brown stems. there was also tiny little branches made out of copper wire with little crystals attached to the end that jeongguk thought would be perfect to decorate the table itself. maybe place them around the flower pot.

"beomseok-ah, can you call eunha? she was supposed to get here and help with the coffee bags. also, while your at it, tell her to bring tape, we're almost out," jimin ordered one of the employees to do.

"coffee bags?" yoongi questioned, not aware of the younger's planning.

jimin gave a nod, "it's like tiny goodie bags with our homemade coffee mix for those who attend the party."

jeongguk thought the idea was quite smart, and flashed a thumbs up towards jimin's direction, who flashed one back.

a little later, they heard the door being opened. "sorry, we're clo—," jimin began to say, but noticed that it was just eunha, "oh your here! did you bring tape?"

eunha showed him the two rolls of tape she had brought, "yup!"

"great, you can get started on the coffee bags."

jeongguk and taehyung recognized her as she worked during the weekends.

eunha placed the rolls of tape on a table and rushed to the break room where all the supplies were, but soon rushed back to ask jimin a question, "how many do we need again?"

"at least fifty."

"fifty?" eunha exclaimed, "there's barely twenty people coming why do you need fifty?"

"eunha, we invited around forty people, ten extra in case they decide to bring their partner or something," jimin explained.

"okay, fifty it is!" eunha said in a sarcastic manner. jimin had asked for a specific way of tying the bags together, and eunha wasn't the best when it came to dealing with ribbons and tying.

after a while, jeongguk had finished setting up the tables, which he was quite proud of. "jimin-hyung, are the tables good?"

jimin turned to look at jeongguk's work, which was obviously great, "this is perfect! okay, now can you go help eunha with the bags? she's probably struggling with them."

"yes, sir," jeongguk saluted like a soldier.

he went to the break room, finding a, as guessed, struggling eunha.

"need help?" jeongguk asked, entering the room.

"oh i'm sorry sir, we're not open and you shouldn't be back here," eunha stood up with a suspicious look, thinking jeongguk was an intruder of some kind.

"oh, you've misunderstood. i'm a friend of yoongi and jimin, here to help out."

eunha didn't notice jeongguk earlier as she was in a rush, "oh okay. well then, what are you standing there for? come help."

jeongguk took a seat on the ground beside eunha, who started teaching him how the ribbons should be tied around, which jeongguk learned quickly.

"what's your name? how old are you?" eunha decided to start up a conversation in the silent room.

"jeon jeongguk and i'm twenty," jeongguk replied politely.

"ah, so young and adorable, i just want to pinch your cheeks and feed them to my cats. call me eunha nuna, let's just say i'm younger than thirty."

she looked to be the same age as jeongguk, maybe even younger. she must use very good skincare products.

"hey, you're the one that gave that song list right?"

"yeah, and you are the one that gave it to the manager right?"


"thank you," jeongguk said, looking at eunha.

"no problem, hated the music anyways, made me sleep during shifts which is not great when there are customers waiting. it was our boss' suggestion and our manager didn't care much about the music."

"but i really mean it eunha-nuna, i'm very grateful."

eunha titled her head a few degrees due to confusion, "why so? all i did was pass a piece of paper, nothing much."

"you could've just thrown that piece in the trash, but you didn't. i met a few great people because of that."

"hmm, still don't quite understand but i'm glad i was able to make someone's life a little better than it had been," she responded with a smile.

"i think you made it a lot better."

yoonmin is back y'all, get ready for the next five chapters or so to be filled with yoonmin (and ofc taekook)

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