fourty-five: closed

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"appa?" jeongguk spoke out softly, as he saw his father's eyes fluttering open. the doctor had finally allowed the younger to see him.

after i few seconds, his father's eyes opened wide as he looked around. once he took in his surroundings, he tried to get up, but jeongguk quickly stopped him, laying his head back on the pillow.

"jeongguk?" mr. jeon questioned.

"hey, it's me, how are you feeling?"

"i feel fine, i feel great actually. who the hell attached these wires to my arms? have they gone mad?"

jeongguk chuckled, he had forgotten how childish his father could be in even serious situations like these. "they said you fainted, and brought you here. don't worry, you'll be discharged soon."

"oh, really? ah, sorry jeongguk-ah. i was actually going to visit you today, of course with some chicken. sorry for troubling you like this."

jeongguk's started shaking his hand signalling no. "how can a father trouble his son?"

"you're right," his father replied with as smile.

"i missed you." jeongguk took a hold of the elder's hand.

"i missed you too. hey, i'm looking for new painters, i fired the best one i had not to long ago."

"you mean the only painter you had?"

"whatever. so, what'd you say, work with me again?"

"of course," jeongguk took a pause, "but on one condition. i'll be managing the shop for the rest of the month, or until you get better.

"are you trying to burn the shop down?" mr. jeon began laughing as he said, "jeongguk you barely know how to brush your hair and now you want to run my shop?"

"appa," the boy stretched out his words, "i'm old enough and i should start practicing now, i'll be taking care of the shop in about eighty years after all."

mr. jeon's laughed again, "you really think i'm going to live for the next eighty years?"

"of course! my appa is the strongest father in the world, so get better soon and start helping me. don't think you can laze around after this."

"yes, yes, i understand, dr. gukkie."

they both laughed, but mr. jeon soon broke into a fit of coughing due to laughing non-stop. "appa, slow down. you should get some rest, i'll go buy us some food, you must be hungry."

"jeongguk-ah," his father stopped him just as he was about to leave.


jeongguk chuckled, "no oily food for you." he quickly ran out to the canteen on the first floor. the boy bought them both some healthy snacks and fruits. he then rushed back, both males started eating right away.

"i think i might go to the shop and leave a note on the door saying we're closed," jeongguk suggested, which his father thought was a good idea.

after mr. jeon fell asleep, jeongguk thought it was the right time to leave. he took a bus there, having to walk a little bit. as soon as he arrived, the place looked different. maybe it's because he hasn't seen it in a week. jeongguk opened the front door with the key his father had given him. the familiar scent of paint and wood, yet somehow tangled with flowers, hit jeongguk. he walked all the way to the back, their studio where everything is created. it is also where his father sleeps and eats.

he thought back to what the doctor had asked him, about not living with his only family. it was because the space was so small, only one bed would fit, and his father had insisted jeongguk on finding his own place and living in comfort. although jeongguk begged for his father to live with him, mr. jeon was persistent on not leaving his shop.

jeongguk grabbed a piece of paper and wrote "closed until wednesday" and hung it on the front door. he went back inside to put away the tape when a piece of paper caught jeongguk's eye. he put the tape down and grabbed the papers and read through each and every one of them. they were all bills and warning notices. from what jeongguk understood, the shop had many overdue loans to pay. no wonder his father has been put through so much stress, and jeongguk blames it all on himself for not being there to help and carry half the load himself. only one thought ran through jeongguk mind:

we're going to loose our shop.

tysm for 1k reads!!!!!
a quick little sketch (sorry i know it's messy) i drew to show my appreciation for everyone who's been reading this.
ily all so much!

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