eight: soulmates

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after an hour and a half of watching ouran high school host club, taehyung and jeongguk decided it was enough anime for the day. besides, they don't want to be staring at a screen the whole day, the whole point of this "relationship" is to get to know each other.

"let's go grab some coffee," taehyung suggested, which jeongguk agreed to with no thought.

he could've just made some himself, but let's be honest, the coffee shop's drink are way better than anything jeongguk can whip up, and they had way more options. not to mention it would be free, courtesy of kim taehyung.

jeongguk exchanged his iron man pants for a bleached skinny jean. they had walked, only taking a few minutes to reach the shop.

"you live about the same distance away from the coffee shop as me," taehyung had said entering the place, "meaning if we were to leave our home at the same time, we would meet each other in the middle, the coffee shop."

"didn't know you were such a math geek."

"doesn't require that much brain power to figure that one out gukkie."

they went in line, waiting for their turn.

"anyways babe, the point is that this coffee shop is a very special place for us. we can be soulmates for all you know and this coffee shop is like our fairy godmother, or even cupid."

jeongguk looked at taehyung, taehyung just giving him a stupid smile.

"quite an imagination you got there hyung."

it hasn't even been a day since they had started dating, if they can even call it that, and for a relationship that can possibly end very soon, isn't being soulmates a bit too much?

once the person it front of them had ordered, it was their turn to go. the cashier wasn't the same girl he usually sees, since it's a monday and jeongguk doesn't usually go on weekdays, as he would've had work that day.

it was a boy, a short boy, with a very bright smile.

"hello, welcome to sweet sugar coffee shop, what would you like to order today?"

jeongguk had only ever heard this line once, and it was during the first week the coffee shop opened, when all employees were obligated to say that when taking orders from customers. does this boy really say it to everyone, i mean come on, it's so much to say.

they both ordered their usuals, and taehyung payed of course, as it was a part of the deal.

the two males sat at the same table where everything started.

"is this another one of your songs?" taehyung asked.

jeongguk wasn't really paying attention to the music. it was through the night by iu. jeongguk nodded his head, he had put a lot of iu's songs on his suggestion list.

"she's a good friend of mine," taehyung said, "jieun nuna i mean."

"you're kidding right?" jeongguk said with his mouth open, surprised at this fact.


"wait, actually?"

taehyung nodded.

"seriously? how." jeongguk was just in awe at this point, amazed by the fact that taehyung knew someone like iu.

"she's my friend's sister's uncle's son's wife's sister."

jeongguk just looked at taehyung, and the funny thing is, he actually believed him. For a second that is.

"woah that's so co— wait! iu nuna doesn't even have a sister!" jeongguk burst sitting back in his seat properly.

taehyung started laughing at how gullible jeongguk was. "aww babe, you're so cute when you're pouting."

jeongguk just ignored the still laughing taehyung and looked away.

"babe," taehyung called, but jeongguk still didn't turn, sipping on his coffee.

"gukkie," taehyung said stretching out the i.

"oh come on, it was just a joke."

jeongguk looked at taehyung.

"let's break up."

bye <3

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