fourty-two: something

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"here?" yoongi questioned as he parked in front of a small apartment.

jeongguk nodded, unbuckling himself, taehyung doing the same so that he could get out with ease, as jeongguk was still in the middle. they both got out, taehyung grabbing the younger's bag and jeongguk thanking everyone for the great time and wishing goodnight.

taehyung stretched his arm out, giving the other his bag. jeongguk grabbed the strap, and before he can pull away, taehyung grasped the younger's arm, pulling him closer. he leans in and gave a short peck, then whispered into jeongguk's ear, "sleep well, don't forget about tomorrow."

the older pulled away, leaving jeongguk in dazed and returned to the van. everyone waved goodbye, the younger finally returning back to his senses and waving back.

jeongguk enters his apartment, then quickly to his room, falling straight on his comfortable bed he missed so dearly, his back hitting with a light plouf. after a little while of just staring at the wall, he got up, deciding to wash up and put away his bag. jeongguk emptied out his pocket, finding the little tiger charm from earlier. he clutched it tight in his hand, then brought it to his chest, a smile forming on his lips. jeongguk couldn't quite believe what was happening, or know how it was happening. one thing he knew for sure was what will happen tomorrow.

if you'd asked jeongguk if he would be in a relationship with someone he's only met a few days ago, his answer would've have definitely been no. even thought it's just been a week, just seven days, a little less than one hundred sixty-eight hours, and he's been through so much.

the boy has never been one to have too many friends, be in a relationship for the matter. his last relationship was when he was in high school, and didn't even last long. what guarantee did he have that this one will? there was something, there's got to be something, because for the first time in forever, jeongguk believes there's something.

something special about that boy.

about the boy he met at a coffee shop for the first time seven days ago.

about the boy who appreciated his music and art.

about the boy who appreciated him.

about kim taehyung.

jeongguk didn't want to admit it, he couldn't, but he knows it. he a completely and utterly fallen for the dork of a boy, not enough to call it love, but enough to call it something.

that something was supposed to last a week, but seem like it's going to last a little longer.

sleep now jeongguk, you're going to need to prepare all the courage you have for tomorrow.

tomorrow. it will be a day jeongguk will never forget, just like the last seven days.

the boy turned to his electric clock, it displayed eleven-eleven, a time he would always get excited for when he was young. he shut his eyes tightly, the grasp on the charm became even tighter, put all his energy into the same wish he had asked for earlier.

"i know i'm being selfish, but please let me have kim taehyung in my life for a little longer, please?"

so i watched call me by your name and omg words can't describe how good it was. it was kinda confusing but i was also painting at the same time so i may missed a few important scenes for the plot.
(if you're going to watch it make sure to have some holy water near you)

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