sixty-one: selenophilia

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jeongguk couldn't believe believe what he was hearing.

"hello, we are calling from seoul art museum. thank you for entering our auction contest. from the hundreds of entries, we are more than pleased to inform you have won third place. your art work was absolutely splendid, and we are sure it will do well in the auction."

"s-seoul art museum? contest? i'm sorry, are you sure you have the right number?" the boy managed to cough out.

"this is jeon jeongguk, correct?"


"well then we have to right person. please give us you email and we'll email you further information."

"," he spelt out.

"thank you, congratulations again!" the man on the other line hung up.

jeongguk stood there with his phone to his ear. seoul art museum had just called him. the seoul art museum. could this be a scam? jeongguk had never entered any contests.

he quickly rushed to the closest internet café, informing his father first, and rented a computer for a few minutes. jeongguk quickly logged onto his mail, and saw that he has in fact received a message from the said museum. he opened the message slowly. he read through the email carefully.

the message congratulated him once again, and informed him of his prize. jeongguk's eyes widened.

five hundred thousand won.

this had to be fake! there's no way. there was a also a link to their website announcing the winners. jeongguk quickly pressed on it, opening a new tab. he prayed he hadn't just gotten the computer a virus. expecting the warning that it was a harmful website to pop up, he was a little surprised to see that an actual website loaded. it was legit. it was their official website. the boy checked multiple time, searching for the website on a different tab. it was the same. he quickly found the new post for the contest. they also displayed the other winners and their artwork that was submitted. jeongguk couldn't once again believe his eyes when he saw what artwork he "apparently" gave in.

"selenophilia." jeongguk read out the title under his name. he's heard of this word before, something his mother often referred to herself as having. finding the moon captivating and soothing.

it was the painting he had given taehyung, he must've entered it. a week had passed since they last saw each other, and the older hadn't muttered a word about this during their last meeting.

all winners were invited to seoul and join the museum as they auctioned off each painting. all money will be donated to the children's home organization.

jeongguk had already earned a little over half the million won, but now he has the entire amount. his shop will be saved. he will be saved.

taehyung saved him.

the younger logged off, and rushed out. he needed to see taehyung. he needed to thank him. maybe jeongguk was still dreaming, but it didn't matter. the boy began running again with the brightest smile, afraid of not running fast enough, and waking up too soon. once jeongguk reached the older's apartment, there was no hesitation in running to his door. with a light nod, the door quickly opened.

"you're back al— jeongguk?" taehyung was shocked.

without letting the boy speak, jeongguk attacked him with a warm hug. taehyung tripped over his own foot, taking both boys to the ground. neither got hurt or minded, taehyung was too pleased with the warm welcoming he didn't feel like questioning the younger's sudden affection.

"why are you so amazing?" jeongguk lifted his head to look at the older under him.

"oh i try," taehyung answered with a smug smile.

"i'm so happy. so so so so happy. so happy that i-i could..."

"that you could kiss me?" taehyung suggested.

"yeah!" jeongguk said on impulse. it took him a few seconds to realize what the older had said. "i m-mean, no!"

the two laughed until a voice came in. "taehyung-ah, why's the door ope— oh, woah."

jeongguk immediately got off of the other as he realized they weren't alone. the younger quickly bowed to mrs. kim who stood at the entrance a little dazed. taehyung stood up as well.

"you told me to give her chance, remember?" taehyung whispered to the boy. he turned back to his mother, "were you able to find a signal on your phone?"

the woman nodded. "jeongguk-ah, it's very nice to meet you again. i can really see that you two are really, uhm, close."

jeongguk lowered his head, embarrassed she had to see them two in such a position. he suddenly felt someone grab his head, a very familiar hand. jeongguk looked up at the older as he looked straight ahead at his mother.

"we're dating," taehyung declared.

mrs. kim's face went white, almost as shocked as jeongguk.

"you're j-joking, right?" she laughed, knowing very well her son wasn't. "but he's a man."

"love is love. i love who i want."

she nodded, shaking lightly. "i better go." without saying goodbye, she walked out, clutching onto the door frame for support.

a few seconds passed until jeongguk was able to snap out of his trance. he yanked away his hand from the older.

"why'd you say that?" he screamed.

the older turned towards jeongguk. "i needed to know if she was ready to accept all of me before i accept her."

"but you didn't have to lie like that."

"i don't really think of it as a lie," taehyung whispered.


"you told me to give her a chance, jeongguk. and i did. amd once i did, you said you'd give me one."

the younger became silent.

"now tell me why you're so happy," taehyung changed the topic.

"when did you enter me into that contest?"

"contest? oh, wait, that contest!" taehyung gasped, "you won didn't you? of course you won, i knew you would!" he engulfed the younger in another hug.

"well, third place, but that's still a win. hyung, do you realize my debts are paid off now. i earned a lot, and now this, its more than enough. thank you."

"oh don't give all the credit to me, you're the artist after all."

"come to seoul with me," jeongguk said suddenly.

taehyung's eyes widened. "seoul?"

"to accept my prize, and drop of the artwork. i don't want to go alone, and i'm not going to bring my dad all the way there."

"of course i will."

"i'll also tell you my answer there."

taehyung nodded, hoping this time everything would turn out alright.

"i, uhh, should head back." jeongguk said and began walking out. "you should talk to your mom again, explain to her the situation properly."

"i'll think about it."

"thanks again."

"wait!" taehyung said, stopping jeongguk in his tracks.

"don't you think i should get something better than a thanks?"

jeongguk smiled. "i'll text you. bye."

"bye, jeon jeongguk."

the younger wasn't the only one wondering if all of this was just a wonderful dream.

exams are over!!
also, for a comparison, five hundred thousand won is about 450 usd.

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