three: take a risk

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after they had both finished their drinks, taehyung decided it was time to speak.

"have you had lunch yet?" he asked the younger.

jeongguk knew where this was going, he was going to propose a lunch date.

"yes," jeongguk lied, and saw the smile fade a bit from taehyung's lips, as he muttered out an oh ok.

jeongguk felt weird, felt guilty, for lying.

"i'm just kidding, i haven't," jeongguk says closing his sketchbook, ready to leave.

"let's eat together."

just as he expected.

although jeongguk knew he'd ask this, he didn't know the answer, but he decided to refuse.

"i'll pay."

and those two words were all it took for jeongguk to change his decision.


they exit the coffee shop, jeongguk followed taehyung. there was a light breeze, it was the perfect weather. not a completely clear sky, a few clouds here and there, not too cold, not too hot, just right.

after a bit of walking, taehyung stopped in front of a convenience store.

"we're eating here?" jeongguk questioned, as he followed taehyung into the store.

"what were you expecting, a five star hotel, like a date?" taehyung teased.

jeongguk looks down, what was he expecting?

"i'm just kidding, this place has better food then any fancy restaurant."

jeongguk took a seat, observing the outside world. there weren't many cars, this area was a quiet area afterall. no where near the city. everything was so close by, a walking distance, no need for cars.

taehyung came back about fifteen minutes later, finding jeongguk sketching as always. before he can take a peek at what in the sketchbook, jeongguk heard taehyung's footstep, and turned to look at him.

taehyung carried two cups of ramyun, the plastic seal, closed safely in between the chopsticks so the steam doesn't escape. he placed one in front of jeongguk, and one in front of himself, and took a seat beside jeongguk.

"the best ramyun, ever, taehyung style. i added a my special ingredients in there, try it."

jeongguk looked down at the cup ramen, putting his sketchbook to the side after he closed it. it was ordinary kimchi flavoured ramyun.

he looked at taehyung, already eating his, shaking in his chair, as if he was physically squealing? jeongguk can't seem to figure out what he's doing, but he can see that he's enjoying the food. jeongguk should as well, especially since it's free, the best kind.

he took the chopsticks, and the thin plastic seal popped open just a bit, and he opened it wider. jeongguk broke his wooden chopsticks as carefully as possible. out of habit, he stirred the ramen a bit.

"thank you for the food," the younger whispered, before taking a bite.

jeongguk couldn't describe the taste, but it tasted different. it tasted like home. jeongguk didn't know that a store bought ramyun can taste like the ones his dad makes him, all from scratch.


taehyung turned, looking at jeongguk who's finally said a word after entering the place.

"hmm?" taehyung hummed.

jeongguk looked at taehyung, and he could've swore that he saw sparkles in jeongguk's eyes.

"it's really delicious," jeongguk smilled, showing his bunny teeth.

he doesn't usually smile wide enough to show his bunny teeth, a trait that his mother shared with him. jeongguk continued to munch on the ramyun as if he hadn't eaten in days. he did the same actions taehyung had done, that jeongguk found bizarre, but he couldn't help himself as he wiggled in his chair.

"you're so cute," taehyung said softly, a short giggle following.

jeongguk decided to pretend he didn't hear what taehyung said, but couldn't hide the light blush creeping on his cheeks. he slowed down his pace to avoid anymore comments from the older.

"told you i was a ramyun master. i've worked here for a while now, i don't receive many customers since i get the late night shifts, so in my spare time, i decided to find the best way to make ramyun." taehyung flashed a boxed smile, that jeongguk hadn't noticed before. seemed like both of these boys have a unique smile.

"you don't go to college or university?" jeongguk decided to make small talk.

"no, i never went. you?"

"nope, i dropped out. why didn't you go?"

"it was too expensive. i grew up in an foster home, and they only spent their time and money on kids who had good grades, and the rest were a nuisance. i left that dump of a place as soon as I finished high school and saved up enough money for an apartment. i didn't have enough money to go to college, but i didn't want to anyways. so I got a few jobs and i enjoyed this one, it was nights shifts, i don't enjoy sleeping anyways. the money i earned was enough to support myself and live my life the way I wanted, and i'm enjoying it so far," taehyung looked away from the roads and at jeongguk who was staring at him the whole time as he spoke. taehyung let out a small laugh, "sorry I must've bored you with my life story."

"no it's fine."

"what's your excuse?"


"for dropping college?"

"to work with my dad, he's a painter. he runs a little store where he sells his painting. i've always enjoyed what he did and i already knew i would do the same thing. it was a waste of money and time, so i quit and worked at my dad's, but he fired me a couple of days ago," jeongguk said, letting out a sigh.

"he fired you?"

"yeah, but it's happened before, give it a week or two. he'll come visit my place in with a bucket of chicken and everything will be alright."

taehyung nodded, "why'd he fire you?"

"because I didn't want to paint directly on a blank canvas."


"he wanted me to paint without having a rough draft, but I didn't want to. he told me artist are not supposed to be afraid of taking risks. i know he's right but I didn't want to, so he fired me."

taehyung let out a laugh. jeongguk just huffed, since he said nothing humorous.

"i'll help you."

"help me with what?"

"to take a risk."

jeongguk tilted his head just a bit, confused, "how?"

"be my boyfriend."

do you like the cover? i tried to make it look nice
hope you enjoyed this chapter
bye <3

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