two: pizza boy

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jeongguk waited for the call to be answered, and finally someone did.

"hello, who's this?" a deep voice played through his phone.

"yes, hello, my name is jeongguk, i would like a medium pizza, half just cheese and the oth-," jeongguk was caught off as the male at the end of the line had let out a laugh.

"very funny. i didn't think you'd call."

"sorry, you're not the pizza place? must've called the wrong number," jeongguk said, "well then, goodbye."

before he can press the red button that would end his call, the man had said wait.

"tomorrow, one-thirty, same place, same table," and with that, taehyung had ended their call, beating jeongguk to it.

does he really expect me to come, jeongguk had thought. To his own surprise, he did the next day.

he didn't know why he had come, he didn't even know why he had called him in the first place, but here he is, standing in front of the coffee shop, as his watch read one twenty-nine.

jeongguk entered the coffee shop, the smell of coffee beans blared through his nostrils. smelt like heaven.

he looked around to see if he could find taehyung, but he was no where to be seen. maybe he was just joking.

you're so stupid for coming jeongguk.

he's already here, so why not buy coffee, and there's no line. he goes up to the cashier, the same one he had given his list to. she gives him a smile, asking him what he would like to order.

"a regular caffè au latte please," jeongguk said, taking out his wallet. before he can actually retrieve any money, a voice beams from behind him.

"and a flat white, same size," taehyung added handing the cashier his credit card.

jeongguk turned around, sparing a glance at the older, then proceeded to walk to the table they sat at the previous day.

he came afterall.

taehyung wasn't expecting jeongguk to actually show up today, but a little part in him knew he would.

their orders had been prepared. taehyung grabbed both cups in his hand, placing jeongguk's in front him.

he found the boy to be sketching again, paying no attention to his drink.

taehyung pulling out the chair seems to have gotten the younger's attention like their previous encounter.

jeongguk took the drink, making sure to mutter out a thanks before taking a sip.

"i was expecting you to yell at me earlier," taehyung says, leaving jeongguk confused.


"when i payed, i thought you'd give me a speech on how you could take care of yourself and you don't need a stranger to pay for you."

"you're not a stranger, and i would never say no to anything free," the boy resumed sketching.

"glad to hear i'm not a stranger."

the rest was spent in silence. taehyung had asked what he was drawing, and jeongguk just replied with something.

is it ramen, ramyeon, or ramyun?
i like the way ramyun is spelt so i'll stick with that.
bye <3

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