fifty-nine: complicated

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it was as if time froze. the boy at the corner of the room was just about to open the fresh box of pizza. the couple behind them were getting ready to leave. the cashier repeated the customers order for the fifth time. all while taehyung asked jeongguk that one question.

if i do give her a second chance, will you give me another?

jeongguk didn't know what to say, he was left speechless. he decided that keeping his mouth shut wasn't going to do any help.

taehyung on the other hand, had the most serious expression. he awaited the younger to give him in answer. yes, he went completely off topic, but that's what he aimed for. the older had no intentions of continuing to talk about his so called "mother". the boy saw jeongguk open his mouth with hesitation.

he finally spoke. "hyung, that doesn't have anything to do—". the boy was cut of as taehyung's phone began ringing.

the older checked the caller id; a name he hasn't seen in quite a while popped up.

jiminie is calling.

"it's jimin-hyung," taehyung informed the other as he picked up the call. "hello?" the boy answered.

"hello?" jimin blared, breaking taehyung's eardrum in the process, loud enough for even jeongguk to hear. "how dare you say hello to me as if you just saw me yesterday. where the hell have you and jeongguk been?"

"uhm, anything wrong?"

"yes, there's a lot wrong," a sigh was heard at the other end, "but it's fine, forgiven and forgotten. anyways, you and jeongguk better bring your butts here, we need to celebrate!"

"celebrate?" he questioned.

"remember the critic? she gave us an amazing review!" jimin's excitement evident in his voice.

"that's great, i'm so happy for you two."

"so you two coming?"

"uhm, the thing is... jeongguk and i..." the boy looked up the meet the younger's, who began frantically shaking his head. "—have been busy."

"busy? where is he right now?"

"we're out on a pizza... date?" taehyung said trying not to be too obvious on having no clue on what he's saying.

jimin let out another sigh. "thank the fucking lords. i thought you two broke up or some shit. yoongi-hyung told me not to bother you two but i couldn't help it."

"uh, yeah it's fine."

"shit, got to go. make sure to drop by tonight. bye!" jimin quickly hung up the line leaving taehyung a little dazed.

"what happened?" jeongguk questioned. taehyung filled in the younger on their conversation that he missed.

"don't you think we should tell him?" the older asked.

"not over phone. let's tell him in person. we can go tonight."

taehyung nodded. "but what are we supposed to tell him? god, i don't even know the reason why we ended this."

"it's... complicated," jeongguk answered simply. he seemed to be asking himself that nowadays too, but the only excuse he can make up was to focus on his father and work. although he can still balance that and have a boyfriend at the same time, jeongguk is not going to risk it. what the boy didn't realize was the immense pain he caused taehyung. if for just a second he thought of how the older might be feeling, his confusion would be resolved.

"right," taehyung said sharply as he stood up. "let's go."

the silence returned once again. jeongguk had fallen asleep during their ride back, and as he sat beside taehyung, his head rested against the older's shoulder. at that moment, taehyung pretending everything was fine. he didn't have to deal with his own family issues, nor stress over the boy who's sleeping peacefully. he can just admire jeongguk as if the younger was his once again.

boiiiiiii exams got me stressin'

enjoy this update since you won't be getting another until next week
jk jk, but most likely i won't since i'm so busy :((( i'll try tho, like i managed to squeeze this one in but they'll be short, don't wanna release anything major for the plot and then go mia for a week


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