twenty: painting

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"wanna come inside?" jeongguk asked, breaking the silence after taehyung decided to drop jeongguk home.

the older smiled, happy jeongguk had the same warm smile and wasn't just asking to be polite, "sure."

both males entered jeongguk's little apartment, which was in the same state it had been the last time they both were there together.

"uh, so what do you want to do?" jeongguk asked, plopping down on his couch as taehyung did the same.

"d'know, i've got a few hours before my shift starts. hmm, we could..." taehyung tried thinking hard, and finally got an idea, "can i watch you paint?"

"you wanna see me paint?" jeongguk questionned, which taehyung answered with a nod, "well, okay."

taehyung watched as the younger brought the easel and stool closer the couch so taehyung could watch as he sat. jeongguk gathered all the equipment he needed. he arranged everything out neatly so it can be easily found. jeongguk picked up his pencil, ready to start brainstorming on the fresh canvas, but was quickly stopped by a pair of hands.

"without sketching before hand. just go for it," taehyung said, letting go of his grip around the younger's wrist and sitting back down.

"but—," jeongguk was interrupted, "no buts, start painting. it's just for fun, it's not like it's going to be displayed out or anything. i told you i'd help you take more risks at the beginning of this relationship and i'm not backing down."

the younger let out a sigh, knowing his stubborn b⃥o⃥y⃥friend wouldn't let him get his way. he placed the pencil down. picked up the clean palette, squirting little drops of each colour all around. to be honest, jeongguk had no idea what he was about to paint. he decided to start of with a black to navy blue gradient background and then go from there.

taehyung observed each stroke that was placed on the canvas. as time went by, jeongguk was getting a more clear idea. the younger got more into the painting as he went along, letting his hand move on it's own. taehyung was only able to see the top portion of the canvas, as jeongguk's body was blocking the rest. he saw that jeongguk had painted a night sky, filled with many stars, just like the ones they had seen earlier. from the little side portion that was slightly exposed to taehyung's eyes, was a tall painted tree, no leaves, just branches.

an hour went by as jeongguk added all the little details. taehyung checked his watch which read eleven-twenty-two; he had a little more than thirty minutes before his shift starts.

"and done," jeongguk said as he signed of his name at the bottom right corner.

taehyung's eyes shot up to see the final piece. jeongguk moved his body away so the other would be able to view the entire painting properly.

"it's beautiful," taehyung praised not being able to remove his eyes off of the canvas.

jeongguk had painted a starry night, just like the one they had seen a little while ago, the same moon and all, the tree that taehyung had already seen, even thought it wasn't there at the actual spot, and what seemed like a clift with two boys dangling of the edge. there was only the silhouette of the two boys filled in black, but taehyung had an idea of who those two boys could be.

"jeongguk this is amazing. see look at the wonders you can create without even having an idea before hand. isn't it great how life works that way too?"

"okay hyung, don't get all deep and metaphorical on me, but you're right. i wasn't really expecting it to turn out this way."

"can i keep it? i know just what to do with it," taehyung asked.

jeongguk took a moment to think, "sure. i don't usually keep my own paintings anyways, do whatever you want with it."

thankfully, the canvas was completely dry by the time taehyung had to leave. they bid each other goodbye, and of course taehyung took the opportunity to swipe in a quick goodnight peck.

jeongguk still couldn't believe what was happening to him. was he falling for kim taehyung? the kim taehyung? jeongguk's face flushed just at the thought of it.

jeongguk changed and got in inside his bed, ready to sleep after the long day.

no way jeongguk, remember, this is all just for now. don't get too attached, the fun will end soon. you'll be going back to your old life as soon as your dad takes you back.

jeongguk turned trying to get into a more comfortable position.

but that doesn't mean i can't enjoy it and have fun while it last.



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