twenty-four: you're too far

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jeongguk felt a light buzz through his swear, which he assumed was his phone vibrating. he quickly finished up drying his hands and reached for his pocket, retrieving his phone. he receive a text message from an unsaved contact. jeongguk double tapped on the notification to view it completely.

text message
today 2:09 pm

babe hurry upppppppp :(
i miss u !!

jeongguk was confused for a second, but guessed who it obviously would be. he quickly saved the contact and replied.

kim taehyung

calm your tits, i'm literally a
few metres away from you.

the younger started walking back. he found taehyung grinning at his phone, when his phone buzzed again.

kim taehyung

so farrrrrrrrr awayyyyyyyyyy~~~
why r u taking so long??
r yah fucking pooping!!!

hyung i'm right in front of you.

taehyung looked up from his phone, his smile getting wider as he spotted jeongguk. the younger walked to their table, taking a seat.

"you couldn't wait five seconds?" jeongguk asked with an annoyed, yet playful tone.

"nope," taehyung popped the word, "hey, what do you have me saved as?"


"on your phone, what did you save me as?"

"does it matter? i saved you as kim taehyung."

taehyung's smile curved into a frown, "how boring, pass me your phone."

without second thought, jeongguk handed taehyung his phone. the older was quite surprised at how he just gave it. jeongguk doesn't really have anything to hide in his phone, so there isn't really much anyone can do with it, he doesn't even have a passcode or password.

taehyung went into his contacts, which jeongguk didn't have many of, and found his name. after a few minutes of thinking of a genius title for himself, carefully tapped each letter in with a grin. he passed back the phone to jeongguk, who didn't bother checking what he did as he was way more interested in the bacon he was eating. breakfast and brunch had ended when they arrived, but jimin made an exception. traditional american breakfast was all they had left but jeongguk wasn't complaining.

"so what do you wanna do today?" taehyung asked, finishing of his food by giving the leftover bacon to the younger. he noticed jeongguk enjoyed them quite a bit, and the younger gladly accepted the offering.

"hmm, we can do whatever," jeongguk said as he took one of the pieces taehyung had given him.

taehyung tried thinking hard, he even went on his phone using the free wifi the café offered. "this looks cool, wanna go to a cooking class?"

"too many people," jeongguk brushed the idea off.

"so you want to do something more private," taehyung asked wiggling his eyebrows.

jeongguk just gave him a look of disgust, which they both laughed off.

"what about a one-day road trip?"

"a one-day road trip?"

"yeah, we can return tomorrow right before jimin and yoongi's party. let's explore outside of this little town."

"is one day really enough for a road trip?"

"did i hear road trip?" a voice startled the couple.

"yeah, taehyung wants to go on one but i don't think one day is enough."

"i love road trips!" jimin squealed. his eyes widened, when a brilliant idea popped in his head. "let's all go tomorrow! the shops closed tomorrow, and the party ends right after lunch. we can leave right after it ends, i'm sure staff won't mind cleaning up. it's also a saturday the day after, and i have no work and i'm sure yoongi will want a break after all the party fiasco. we return sunday morning as the shop open late on sundays. this is going to be so great! also, if you guys don't have anything to do today, mind helping us decorate the place for tomorrow? thanks!"

before taehyung and jeongguk could shares they're thoughts on the matter, jimin rushed back to the counter, as customers were entering.

"jimin hyung is uhh... very chatty," jeongguk noted.

"sure is, but his plan couldn't be better."

the two boys agreed on helping set up that after-noon and they would discuss the road trip further on.

jeongguk surprisingly was excited for the road trip, he's never really been out of this town. this could be fun? right?

i'm on the lookout for a crush cuz crushes could be fun to have and obsess over (even if they break ur heart), it's kinda like stanning a group (it's exactly like stanning a group) and idk just wanna see how it feels
also writing out in a texting format is so fucking hard!!
daily reminder than i love each and everyone of you for reading my garbage fic.

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