sixty: are you happy?

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the shop was the same as jeongguk last left it, but the sign was flipped over to show they was open. he noticed from a mile away as the bright green sign laid against the door. as the boy approached the shop, he saw through the glass window a tall figure at their cash register.

a robber? no way!

jeongguk quickly crossed the street and as he got closer, he was able to identify the figure.

"appa! what are you doing?" he screamed entering their art shop.

his father turned his gaze away from the commission notebook and towards the steaming boy. "ah, gguk-ah. welcome back!"

"why are we open?"

"well i figured since i'm going to be sitting around all day, why not open up the shop and sit here. and c'mon jeongguk, i'm all better now. don't try to stuff me into a little corner, hmm? the doctor even said i should be fine after a week or two rest."

jeongguk walked over to his father with a sigh. "i know, i know. i just can't help but worry. i guess i shouldn't baby you so much, you're a grown man after all. sorry, appa."

"it's alright, ggukkie. also, i was looking at all these commissions you did, and there is so many! did you even get any sleep these past few weeks?"

the boy scratched his neck. "about that, i accepted all the requests we received. a-and it's almost enough to pay of our depts. we're not going to loose the shop, appa!" he said excitedly.

mr. jeon showed a sad smile. "you're so young, you shouldn't have to bare all this work on your back. i'm sorry, jeongguk-ah."

"no, no, no! why are you apologizing? i love painting! and i love this shop even more, i'd do anything to keep it safe. it's the last thing eomma left us..."

the two men became silent. it was the same reaction they both had whenever jeongguk's mother is mentioned.

"well, what are we standing around for! we got a couple new orders today, better get started."

after a few hours of working, jeongguk finally finished the paintings he had assigned to himself, just in time to meet taehyung and the others at sweet sugar café.

"hey appa, i'm going to grab something from that café. want anything?"

"it's almost ten, are they still open?"

"i know the owner, they let special customers in."

mr. jeon nodded. "grab me a couple donuts."

jeongguk agreed, also planning to get some dinner on the way back. he really needs to go grocery shopping again, but he was tight on schedule. "i'm leaving, also locking the door!" he yelled as he shut the door. he quickly locked it and speed walked his way to the café.

taehyung has texted him a couple minutes ago saying he was leaving. seeing the contact name he had saved for himself gave a weird feeling inside jeongguk. he couldn't bring himself to change it.

just as the older had once hypothesized, they met each other exactly in front of the coffee shop. the lights were still on with a couple workers cleaning up.

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