sixty-two: texting

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text message
today 11:02 am

good morning

today 2:34 pm


seoul? remember?
when, where, how?

tmr, meet me @ sgc 12:00 pm.

how long are we staying?
need to tell my boss.

auction is in two days, so two
nights at most. we'll be staying
at my uncle's house.



no, kool.




hey, jeongguk?


about what you said a couple
days ago, about giving me an

what about it?

you promise you'll give me a
proper one this time, right? your
honest feelings

i promise.
anyways, how's things with your

don't mention her, we haven't
talked since that day.
i don't even understand why she's
trying to reconnect with me now, it's
been 22 fucking years.

don't say that hyung, she's feels
regret, she's just trying to make things
right between you two

well she should try harder because
i don't see an ounce of regret in
her words.
let's not talk about this, what are you

packing for tmr.

shit, i should do that too.
call my boss as well.
how's the shop doing, and your dad?

alright, my dad's back to his normal
state, but still a lil worried.

it's weird how we talk so casually
after all that's happened, don't you


shit, did i make it awkward?

nah it's alright
can i ask you something?


why do still want to be with me?
i let you down at the last second
without a proper reason, i was very
unfair with you, but you still want to
be with me. i just don't get it. why?

it's simple gguk, i really like you and
i want you to be in my life. i like
everything about you. your sassy
attitude, your amazing art skills, the cute
mole under your pretty lips, i like it all.
i'm not going to let you go. i would be the
biggest idiot to loose someone like you.

thanks ?
i just

aaaaaaaaaand i really want to call
you babe again.

hey, i gtg, customers are waiting.
i'll talk to you later. bye, hyung!

oh okay, bye ggukkie~~~

taehyung smiled to himself, confident that jeongguk probably became flustered and ran away. the older quickly understood the tight situation jeongguk was in during their final day. now that his father and the shop was all fine, there was no barriers between the boy and taehyung. he tossed his phone back on his bed, and began daydreaming while he packed for his trip to seoul.

back at jeon's corner, jeongguk slammed his phone down on the counter. his father looked at him in shock. "are you okay? do you have a fever?" he began walking up the tomato red boy, who was fanning his face.

"no! i'm fine! just forgot about a commission i didn't put in the book."

mr. jeon shook his head as he saw his son trip on his way to their studio. he chuckled, "silly boy, still too shy to tell his father about his love life."

i highkey wanna write a text fic now

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