six: kiss kiss fall in love

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jeongguk was woken by the sound of his doorbell. he groaned and rolled around in his bed, not that there was much space, it was only a single bed.

the doorbell rang again, and jeongguk knew this person wouldn't leave until he answered the door. he surely wanted to know who on the right mind is disturbing his sleep.

jeongguk finally opened his eyes, looking at the clock that displayed ten-sixteen. has he really been sleeping for this long? jeongguk usually wakes up around eight, but he was tired from cleaning the house 'till it was spotless last night. that's when jeongguk remember the person at the door must be taehyung. he quickly jumped out of his bed, running to the washroom. he didn't have time to wash his hair, so he just quickly brushed his teeth as he heard the doorbell ring for the third. afraid that taehyung might leave, jeongguk decided to not brush out his bed hair, and leave his iron man pyjamas on.

jeongguk looked through the peephole to see if taehyung was still there, and surprisingly, he was on his phone. jeongguk heard his phone ring, meaning taehyung was calling him.

jeongguk finally opens the door, the older brings his phone down, hanging up the call.

taehyung looks at jeongguk's outfit choice from head to toe, or in other words, check him out. an oversized white shirt with an iron man print pyjama pants. he looked cute, especially with his hair sticking in different directions, seeming like he had spent hours trying to achieve this hairdo.

"hey, sorry i was asleep," jeongguk said opening the door a bit wider to let taehyung come in.

"sorry, i thought you'd be awake by now, you can go back to sleep, i can just wait or come back later?"

"no it's fine, i usually wake up earlier."

taehyung walks in, taking of his jacket, which jeongguk quickly takes and puts on his coat hanger, and places his phone on a table.

"nice pjs by the way," taehyung said, taking a seat of the small couch set jeongguk that had bought from a friend. jeongguk looks down, hiding his blush.

"yeah, thanks. i'm gonna make some coffee, do you want some?"

"of course."

jeongguk's walks to the open kitchen, taking out the coffee maker his dad gifted him for christmas two years ago.

taehyung observed jeongguk as he made them both coffee. the younger was only a bit shorter than taehyung, maybe a few centimetres. his body looked healthy, maybe he goes to the gym? taehyung goes occasionally, only when he felt depressed about his six-pack he once had, which is only very faint at the moment. taehyung also looked around his apartment. it was clean, definitely cleaner than taehyung's. he didn't have a tv, but there was a desk with a laptop. a little coffee table in front of the couch he was sitting on. the wall was painted in a light beige tone, with paintings, most likely made by jeongguk's dad or himself. the painting style looks familiar to taehyung, thinking back to the single painting he has hanged up him his own room. there was a huge easel at the corner of the room, with a little stool beside it. a closed door, probably leading to jeongguk's bedroom.

"here you go," jeongguk held out the coffee, snapping taehyung out his thoughts.

taehyung took the mug from jeongguk, purposely brushing their hands, "thanks babe."

babe? jeongguk thought with a blush creeping to his cheeks.

"you're fine with me calling you that right? you can call me whatever you want as well."

jeongguk nods and takes a seat, leaving a huge space between taehyung and himself. taehyung noticed, and scooted closer to jeongguk, until his ripped jeans were touching jeongguk's iron man.

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