nineteen: the moon

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taehyung and jeongguk walked hand in hand, jeongguk satisfied with the dinner they just had a little over half an hour ago. a three course meal at a pretty expensive restaurant that didn't require reservations. the great flavours still lingered on their tongues. not only was it odd to others that they were both wearing casual clothes and were two males having a pretty romantic date, it was also odd to taehyung that jeongguk didn't mind any of the strange looks being thrown at them, not one bit.

okay, maybe it was because of the amazing food they ordered, but taehyung would rather believe that jeongguk is warming up to him little by little.

taehyung was currently walking jeongguk to a great place he found when he was exploring the town. it was a huge cliff, hidden all the way at the end of town.

as they reached their destination, jeongguk had realized where they were heading, as he's been here a couple of times when he was younger with his parents to look at stars.

jeongguk's mom was an astronomer. she would always feed jeongguk's with daily astronomy facts, especially about stars. jeongguk never really remembered them, but he became obsessed with painting the night sky since. he almost always had a star, usually the sun, hidden somewhere in his painting, or as the main point of his painting.

"total upgrade from your rooftop, hyung," jeongguk said as he plotted down on the grass, which was mirrored by taehyung who took a seat beside him.

the sky was beautiful. they saw hundreds of stars, all illuminating up the nights dark background as the sun set a while ago. jeongguk was glad that he lived in an town where there wasn't as much light pollution. the moon was going through it's phases, a waning crescent at the moment, yet still producing a huge amount of light that jeongguk didn't even know was possible. it was beautiful.

"you look at the sky with more love than when you look at food, which i didn't think was possible," taehyung teased.

jeongguk lightly shoved taehyung's shoulder,
"shut up, let me enjoy this."

taehyung leaned his head on jeongguk's lap, changing his position so he was facing the sky, stretching out his legs. he used jeongguk's thighs as his pillow. "play with my hair," taehyung said, flashing a smile. "so demanding," jeongguk thought rolling his eyes, but let his fingers run through the older's hair anyways.

"this is nice isn't it?" taehyung asked out of the blue.

jeongguk turned his gaze from the sky, to taehyung's face, whose eyes were shut closed. "you and me i mean," taehyung explained.

"you and i," jeongguk corrected, avoiding the older's words.

taehyung let out a sigh, knowing he wouldn't be able to get the words he wanted that easily out of jeongguk's lips. his gorgeous lips.

"today was fun, especially when i was able to skate.
it was fun watching you fall," jeongguk said with a monotone voice, but adding a smile so the other didn't think he was too sadistic.

taehyung opened his eyes to find the younger looking right back at him with the smile, "ha ha, very funny. now that you remind me, i remember we had some unfinished business in that rink."

jeongguk eyes became wide, as taehyung lifted his head off of the younger's laps, and getting in a more comfortable position. his body was facing towards jeongguk's, as his knees were bent unlike the other's outstretched ones.

"tae—" before jeongguk could finish, taehyung charged for his lips, jeongguk's eyes immediately shutting tight. it took a few seconds for the younger to start responding.

it was a slow and passionate kiss, not one that was filled with lust. it was filled with actual feelings, a strange feeling, a nice feeling.

"babe, you taste like the sauce we ha—" taehyung broke the kiss and spoke, but was stopped due to jeongguk's needy contact. as soon as taehyung realized the younger wasn't holding back, he knew there was no reason for him to do the same.

what better way to end their date, other than kissing under the moonlight?

that's right, nothing.

everything just felt so right, and neither of the boys could ask for more.

do you want more angst or fluff?
sorry i didn't update the past couple days, was really tired from school work.
i'll try to update tmr!

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