thirty-five: pure bliss

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jeongguk couldn't think of an answer for jimin's question, and his eyes darted to taehyung for help, who looked as clueless as him.

"uh, a lot?" he replied. his answer sounded more like a question then a statement.

"how much is a lot?" jimin went on.

"aren't you only allowed to ask one question?" jeongguk tried buying time.

"yeah bu—" jimin got cut off when jeongyeon cursed out.

"what happened?" baekhee asked her.

jeongyeon held her phone in hand. "i forced my phone to turn back on, and the guy texted me saying if i don't reply to his text in ten minutes he's calling the cops."

"jeez, this dude is serious. how long ago did he text you?" yoongi asked.

"eight minutes ago."

"go quickly plug-in your phone to a charger and text him back," yoongi ordered.

jeongyeon retrieved her charger from her bag and plugged it in to an outlet, quickly tapping away on her phone.

"okay, i told him that i was safe, sober and that i escaped from the man," jeongyeon said taking her seat, leaving her phone on the table while it charged.

"why didn't you just tell him it was a prank?"

"d'know, felt bad."

"when has our jeongyeon ever felt bad for something," jimin teased.

"oh shut up."

before jimin can proceed back to his question, jeongguk quickly spoke, "okay, my turn!
beomseok-ah, truth or dare?"

"let's go with dare."

"i dare you to lick your elbow," jeongguk said with a playful grin.

"that's it? easy," beomseok responded, but what he didn't realize was that it wasn't quite simple. everyone laughed as he made a fool out of himself trying to lick his elbow, which he failed miserably at. "my fucking god. okay whatever, i give up."

"hey! you have to do the dare," jimin warned.

"isn't there anything else i can do?"

"hmm, fine. lick someone else's elbow!" jeongguk hollered.

"okay, but who?"

"are you right-handed or left-handed?"


"then lick the elbow of the person left to you."

unfortunately for beomseok, to his left was the one and only yoongi.

"i swear to god beomseok if you try to lick my elbow, i'll kill you," yoongi warned.

"oh come on hyung, just once. if i don't, the truth or dare ghosts will come and haunt me," beomseok said trying to lean into yoongi's elbow.

"yah, don't come any closer!" yoongi yelled, scooting back.

everyone laughed as the two fought, and in the end beomseok completed his dare even though he got "accidentally" elbowed afterwards.

"shit, it's almost four," jeongyeon yelled out looking at the electronic clock.

"we better go to sleep," yoongi said, "if we want to explore tomorrow a bit more around this part of town i mean."

everyone agreed, so they got up and threw away the empty pizza boxes.

"okay, so sleeping plans! baekhee and jeongyeon share one bed, taehyung and jeongguk share the other, and yoongi and i share the last. beomseok told me he prefers sleeping on futons as he's so used to it so everything works out," jimin informed everyone.

one by one, they took turns to go the washroom as there was only one, and climbed into their assigned beds. it would've been quite awkward for jeongguk and taehyung if this wasn't they're first time sharing a bed, but since it's not, everything went smoothly. that doesn't mean that jeongguk's heart wasn't beating miles per hour when lights were turned of and taehyung's arms pulled jeongguk closer. heat from taehyung's body radiated to jeongguk's back, it felt nice. very nice. slowly, everyone drifted off to sleep, even taehyung who's usually awake and eating ramen around this time.

a smile was present on everyone faces before they entered dreamland. everything was just so peaceful and quiet; it was pure bliss.

slowly loosing motivation :$
but i'm determined to complete this as i've put so much thought and time into this plot, and i'm not going to throw it away that easily!
anyways, hope you like these chapters even though there may not be enough taegguk in them.

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