fourty-seven: call him

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it's been almost a week since jeongguk had last spoken taehyung. the older couldn't function, trying to comprehend each and every word jeongguk had said on their last call. recalling his trembling, yet angered, voice. was he mad at taehyung? did taehyung do something wrong? the poor boy will never know.

"tae? taehyung? tae?" someone shook him.

taehyung slowly lifted his head up from the counter to reveal a familiar face.

"your shift is over buddy. were you sleeping?" his co-worker inquired.

"no, just closed my eyes for a few seconds," the boy answered back, stretching his arms out with a yawn.

the older laughed, "that's what you call sleeping tae. weird, you've never slept on the job."

"yeah, haven't been getting much sleep these past few days." truth is, taehyung has only gotten about three hours of sleep in the past five days.

taehyung took his apron off, and gathered his things. right as was about to head out, taehyung turned on his heel and walked back to his co-worker.

"hyung, can i ask you something?"

"of course," the older beamed.

"well, i went out with this gu— person for about a week, and things were going pretty well. then suddenly, they ended things with me over call. i just don't get it, did i do something wrong?"

he pondered on the boy for a while. "did anything happen the day before?"

"no, i even dropped them off home and gave a goodnight kiss."

"i see," the older nodded, "maybe something happened, not necessarily that it's your fault. maybe something's going on in her life. you should try finding out."

"but what if they push me back, what if they just didn't want to be in a relationship with me?" taehyung said, ignoring the pronouns.

"well if you really care about this girl and you want to be with her, then you should chase after her dude. y'know, the basic tumblr advice everyone usually gives, never give up, follow your dreams, you can do anything."

taehyung chuckled at the raise in pitch at the last few words the older exaggerated. "you're right, i really don't want to loose him."

his eyes widened, but then became soft. "fighting!" he said, pumping his fist to the air.

taehyung bid goodbye and thanked the older for the advice. as he walked out, all that was on his mind was sleep, jeongguk, sleep, jeongguk, jeongguk, jeongguk.

this boy was really taking up his mind. taehyung knew what he had agreed to when the one week deal was first proposed, but still, he was quite confident that jeongguk would still want him after the week. guess he was wrong.

once he reached home, taehyung rushed into his bedroom, falling on his comfortable bed. he tried to close his eyes and sleep, but it just wouldn't come so easily. taehyung was tired as anyone could be, but it's not so easy to shut your brain and get some rest when someone is running non-stop in there. he fished out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. his fingers stopped when he spotted the name he was searching for.


taehyung wanted to press call so badly, but something was holding him back. he stared at the contact again and again, contemplating on wether he should press call or not for almost two hours. finally, in the end, he decided no to do it. taehyung slammed his phone down on his bed, groaning at his own cowardliness.

suddenly, his phone began buzzing. taehyung quickly brought it to his face, thinking it could be jeongguk, but unfortunately, it wasn't. instead it was an unfamiliar number that taehyung had never seen before.

"hello?" he answered.

"good morning, i'm calling from sunny care orphanage. we are looking kim taehyung."

sudden memories crashed through taehyung at the mention of his once called home. memories of joy, laughter, and most of all, sadness and pain.

"this can't be," taehyung thought, his face formed a whole new level of shocked.

sorry i didn't update in so loooong. updates will be slower this time around as my exams are coming up i cri (ㅠㅠ)
comeback date is also approaching and i am not ready
everyone pray for me so that i can keep up with everything bts is doing and not fail all my courses at the same time.

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