fifty-three: graceful star

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"jeongguk-oppa!" sooyun called out, "she's crying again."

the boy was currently talking with taehyung and a couple of his childhood friends the older introduced to him. the little girl seemed to cry quite often and only seemed to calm down under jeongguk's touch.

"coming," he replied, saying goodbye and running to the nursery.

"hey, do you know where i can find bang shihyuk-sshi?" he asked the young boys. taehyung had seen them grow up since they were little, but seemed to have missed out a little on their high school life. he could've given them so much advice, but it's not too late now.

"hmm, well he should be somewhere ar—"

"is someone looking for me?" they heard a voice say, startling all of them. taehyung quickly turned to see the owner of the voice. he knew who it was immediately, he didn't even have to look.

"shuk-sshi!" taehyung screamed with a smile.

"you've been the talk of the day between the caretakers gossips, came to see if it really was my little taehyungie."

taehyung couldn't stop smiling, and didn't know what to say either. he just walked up and engulfed the man in a big hug.

"woah there buddy. look how you've grown, but you still want hugs from me?" the older chuckled, hugging the other back just as tight.

"i've missed your hugs," taehyung said pulling away.

"wow, you don't look a day over twenty!" the younger teased.

"oh stop it you, you definitely look twenty though. I remember you this small," he said bringing his hand all the way down to his knees. bang shihyuk then brought it up to ruffle the boy's hair. "and now your as tall as me."

"how's our tree doing?" taehyung questioned fixing his hair.

"why don't you come and see for yourself?" he said. he lead the boy to the garden, where a few tall trees stood. taehyung instantly recognized the apple tree they both picked apples from since he was six. a little swing was attached to it, that was new. taehyung ran to test out this new addition, it was quite fun.

"you're still a little child, huh?" shihyuk laughed.

taehyung laughed.

"i saw a boy come with you," the older trailed off, lifting his eyebrows. bang shihyuk was the first person taehyung came out to, knowing he would be the only one to accept him.

the boy laughed a little. "it's complicated."

"well i'm here to listen."

taehyung explained the entire story to the person he's always considered he was closest with.

bang shihyuk nodded. "what if something happened to the boy that day. did you ask jeongguk-sshi why?"

taehyung shook his head. "that's what my co-worker said too. his voice was shaking, like he had run a marathon or... even crying. i asked what wrong but he wouldn't tell me."

"well then you should first ask what happened."

taehyung nodded, already writing out a script in his head to how it should be played out.

they caught up a little more before shihyuk remembered he had a job to do. they exchanged numbers and promised to talk more often, and they both knew this was a promise that they'd keep. taehyung went back to find jeongguk, who was still in the nursery. he found jeongguk feeding the little girl as sooyun held the bowl of baby food.

"hey there," taehyung said entering the room. jeongguk looked up with his wide smile, bunny teeth and all.

"sit, hyung. you want to try feeding her?"

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