sixty-eight: snowflakes

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"i'm going to australia."

taehyung had told jeongguk those exact words a month ago. it also took him a month to come to this decision after his mom left. it was a sudden, and jeongguk wondered if he did anything wrong during the time they had spent together. he did his best in trying to persuade taehyung to go for the first couple days after his mother left, but he was stubborn on staying. one day, after a nice date, taehyung had dropped the news. jeongguk being jeongguk of course supported the boy's decision and cheered him on. there wasn't a lot special kisses shared after that. the last amount of contact he had gotten from the older was a tight hug and a quick peck before he had flown miles and miles away from him. this left jeongguk even more devastated.

he once had a thought— more of a wish. a wish that he'd never met taehyung. he wouldn't be going through such heartache if he hadn't met the boy in the first place. truly, if jeongguk were to think about it, there was no reason for him to be so upset. they'd been together for only two months now, their relationship ended as soon as it started, twice, and it wasn't like taehyung was so upset. yes, he did receive the occasional "hey, how are you" text, but to jeongguk for some reason they always seemed planned, or even forced. as if he had a reminder set to text him. a reminder for him to not forget about the younger while he had a blast in australia. well, that's what jeongguk thought of the situation at least. every single time they texted, after jeongguk texted bye, his fingers would always type in "i miss you" and hover over the send button. he never really managed to send it, afraid the older wouldn't feel the same. every single conversation would be the same as they pretended everything was alright, well, except for this one.

taetae hyung~
text message
today 12:00 am

happy birthday hyung!!!!!!!!

thank you my dear gukkie ;)

are you still awake?

you should sleep!

ik ik, i just wanted to wish you,
but i should be saying the same
thing to you! it's 1 am over there!

couldn't sleep. mum made
me a cake, and we just finished
cutting it and everything.

aww, that must've been a lot of fun!

it was.


yes, hyung?

i miss you :(

it was a text jeongguk wasn't quite expecting. it would've just ended off with them saying "ttyl" and both of them would do their own thing. he didn't want to make the other wait to long and regret his choice of words, so he quickly replied.

i miss you too

really? how much do you
miss me?

on a scale of 1 to 10, i'd say a good 11

how  much to do you miss me?

enough to come back to korea



you're joking right!

please tell me you're joking.

i'm serious gukkie!

one week [taekook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now