fourteen: a smile

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"should we tell them?" jeongguk whispers to taehyung.

"tell them what?" taehyung questioned.

jeongguk turns a big, so he can become more comfortable in the bean bag with taehyung, "about our one week deal."

"one week deal?" they heard the male who was concentrated in his decorating, they didn't even realize yoongi was listening.

"yeah, jeongguk and i made a deal to date for one week. it's more complicated than that, but we've got five day left in this deal, excluding today."

yoongi nodded, "don't tell jimin, poor boy thinks he's finally found people that can relate to him. he came in running to the kitchen and forced me to serve you guys. thinks we're going to be best friends for life or somethin'"

"got'cha," taehyung said back.

"shit," yoongi cursed a few minutes later, slamming the bags of icing on the table.

"what happened?" jeongguk asked, getting up, freeing himself from taehyung's grip, who was fiddling with jeongguk hand while they both observed the working pâtissier.

"this place's one year anniversary is coming up, and jimin invited the entire town to celebrate, including this dumb food critic. she can either ruin our lives, or make it heaven. i gotta make a cake to show off this place but none of these fucking designs will work."

jeongguk thought about it for a second. he hesitantly said, "i can help you make a design."

yoongi looked at jeongguk. "you're no professional kid, but i'm desperate at this point. show me what you got."

jeongguk never forgets to bring his sketchbook in his satchel, he takes it out, along with his pencil case, and starts sketching. taehyung and yoongi both observed the young male sketch, once in a while picking up the eraser and carefully rubbing it against the paper.

"there, this seems decent," jeongguk revealed his finished piece. it was a three tiered cake, each having a different shade lightly coloured into them. at the very bottom, it was elegantly decorated in little strawberries, and the bottom stack itself had a very graceful design, like a ribbon of sort flowing around. the cake in the middle stack had a syrup running down, with the icing that keeps the multiple stacks revealed at some spot. the cake at the very top was pretty simple, a solid colour, a curvy line across, its with multiple coffee cups made out of fondent.

"each stack is a different shade of brown and decorated in gold. since this place is a coffee shop, i thought a nice brown and gold theme would suit the aesthetic," jeongguk explained, "the strawberries here should be made from chocolate, and sprayed with edible gold paint. the designs on the very bottom here should be painted in gold, it's shows the steam your hot drinks would release. the middle stack should have multiple layers, so the icing in the middle shows through the little chocolate, maybe ganache, leaking through. then i kept the very top stack quite simple, it's a partially mirror glazed cake with specks of gold. kept it simple so the coffee cups would be the main attraction, which is on top of the glazed part. the coffee cups themselves could be made out of fondent, but add a touch of flavour to them, and make sure to add gold flakes around the side. uh, so what do you think?"

yoongi stared silently at the younger's sketch, taking in everyday detail. he then slowly started nodding, a smile forming to his lips. "not bad kid, you have some talent there. each stack could be a different flavour, like cappuccino, chocolate, and coffee to suit your brown theme. we could maybe also add a few walnuts, since they go well with coffee and cappuccino cakes. the bottom stack's gold design should be re-brushed with some sort of syrup, to give the same shine the glaze at the top would give, just so there is a balance. mirror glazed cakes are usually cheesecake, and cheesecake wouldn't work well with the other stacks, but i'll find an alternative. the entire cake itself is not overwhelming or complex, but it suits the coffee shop really well.this could work."

"really? i'm glad," jeongguk rips out the design out of his sketchbook and hands it over to the yoongi, "here you go, i also wrote all the little details to the side in case it's not clear or you forget."

"thanks a lot jeongguk-ah. i'll start testing this out. the party is this friday. make sure to come." yoongi rushes out of the break room, excited to start baking.

jeongguk smiles to himself, proud that he was able to help the older. he feels a hand ruffling his hair. "i'm really lucky to have a smart boyfriend," taehyung said with a light chuckle, "even if it's for a few more days."

jeongguk turns around, giving the older a smile.

a smile that meant sorry.

a smile that meant you're right.

a smile that meant i'll show you my smile until it lasts.

a smile that taehyung knew he probably won't see anymore sometime in the future, but he was about to savour it as long as it lasted.

does this make sense? i'm not a cake expert, i got all this info from watching nerdy nummies, please tell me if i made a mistake.
also sorry for not updating for the past two day, was super tired from school work.
can y'all guess who the food critic is? hint: it's not jin
bye <3

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