nine: the sun

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"what?" taehyung was shocked at the younger's sudden words.

jeongguk swiftly got up, grabbing his cup and leaving the coffee shop.

taehyung grabs his own cup and follows after jeongguk, who's walking the opposite direction of the way they came.

"wait, jeongguk, you can't be serious." taehyung said, walking beside jeongguk, "i was just joking babe." taehyung was actually worried, he didn't want or expected this to end so soon.

"i dont like jokes," jeongguk said looking at taehyung's stressed face, "unless they're said by me."

now it was jeongguk's turn to laugh.

"you're actually a piece of shit," taehyung said slowly laughing with jeongguk, "but you're my piece of shit."

"for now."

"yeah, for now, and i'm going to enjoy it as much as i can."

they both looked at each other with the dumb look of love in their face, but was it really love, or just something like infatuation, a spur of the moment kind of thing.

"so where are we going?" taehyung questioned the younger who's been leading him somewhere so far.

"anywhere but my house, i'm sick of seeing it all the time, it's so cramped and small."

"fine, let's go to my house, we're going on the right path anyways."

jeongguk just nodded.

they soon reached his apartment, which was a bit bigger than jeongguk's. "here it is," taehyung said leading the way. he lived on the fourth floor, the highest as well, number four-oh-six.

"welcome to my humble home," taehyung opened the door allowing both of them in.

jeongguk looked around the place. there was random pieces of empty ramyun and chip packages laying around, a video game console connected to a small tv, a nice couch, and everything else a basic apartment should have.

"it's nice, but you should clean up a little."

"i don't usually bring anyone over, so i don't really bother cleaning unless i find it necessary."


taehyung took jeongguk in-front of a door, "my room, i spend most of my time in here."

taehyung slowly opened the door, "ta-dah! what do you think?".

jeongguk walked into the room, which wasn't messier than the living room. there was a few clothing items on the ground, but other then that everything was put in place. he had a small bookshelf. a huge stereo set. a bed with a light turquoise comforter. it looked pretty normal. the walls were painted in a nice red, complimenting the turquoise colour. there was one thing that caught jeongguk's eyes the most, a painting. he went closer to it, trying to see if it's actually what he thinks it is, "this is...".

"oh that, yeah i saw your painting earlier and it reminded me of this. it's the only painting i own. i was taking a walk and i saw this being displayed. i don't usually buy paintings, but this one really caught my attention, and the next second, i found myself buying it. i don't remember the name of the store. why?"

"it's mine."


"it's my first original artwork that finally was good enough to be sold, i usually stick to my father's design and art style, but he approved of this one. you're that customer he told me about, you're the one that fought some lady for the painting."

"well i wasn't really fighting," taehyung said scratching his neck.

"you paid triple the price for it, and the lady was shocked, my dad told me." jeongguk looked at taehyung, "but thank you, you made me really happy that day."

"hey, maybe we are soulmates."

"maybe," jeongguk said walking back to the living room, "maybe not."

"why'd you buy that painting anyway?"

"i liked it," taehyung states simply, "you painted a little boy, buildings, tall and dark buildings surrounding him, overwhelming the poor boy, but you see beside him, the thing the little boy is trying to grasp, it's like a flash of light. that flash of light, it's seems to be his last remaining hope, that he's desperately trying to catch, or even find. it reminded me that no matter what situation you are in, you should never give up on the will to keep living, and there's always something there to help you, like that light."

"it's the sun," jeongguk whispered, "he's trying to chase for the sun. he wants escape the darkness surrounding him, by capturing the light of the sun. the sun is the only reason he ignores the darkness, because he believes he can reach it one day, but the boy's stupid for believing in something like that, isn't he?"

"you're the little boy aren't you?"

jeongguk's eyes widen, not even his father, who he was very close to, was able to understand the painting. jeongguk barely nodded, but taehyung understood.

taehyung leaned his face close to the younger, giving a small and quick peck and rested his forehead on top of jeongguk's, something jeongguk didn't expect at all.

"i can be your sun if you let me."

honestly, i don't even know what i'm writing at this point.
hope you liked this crappy chapter
bye <3

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