thirty-three: make a wish

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"ah, fresh air," beomseok beams, stretching out his arms.

they walked around in the empty land, taking in the nice breeze. jimin spread out a blanket he brought, and taehyung laid out the snacks.

"are we having a picnic?" jeongyeon asked, taking a seat.

"sort of," taehyung answered, "everyone! dig in."

everyone took a seat, grabbing a chip bag or a snack of sort.

taehyung scooted over to jeongguk's side so he could share their body warmth.

"hyung," jeongguk called out, unwrapping the plastic around his gimbap.


"thank you."

"for what?"

"for the road trip idea, i'm having a lot of fun."

he took his first bite, chewing on it calmly."anytime," taehyung said, leaning in and taking a bit of jeongguk's food, earning him a slap at the back of his head.

as soon as the sky got darker, and the sun completely set, jimin jumped, saying he had a surprise for everyone. the male ran over the van, retrieving a bag. jimin then ran back and dumped what he carried on the blanket.

it was quite dark so it took a few seconds to realize what it was, but as soon as it was clearly visible, excitement filled the air.

"sparklers!" baekhee screamed, running over to get a pack. there was about ten packs, each holding at least eight sparklers within them.

one by one, everyone held two to four sparklers in their hands. the lighter was passed around, and soon, the darkness was filled with light.

"gukkie, look," taehyung said, forming some sort of shape or letter with his sparkler.

jeongguk titled his head, confused at what the older was trying to say. taehyung shook his head, "i wrote 'i heart you'."

jeongguk smiled, writing something back with his, that once again, is illegible. "i wrote 'cool'."

"oh come on, don't be so cold," taehyung whined going closer to jeongguk, who laughed at his childishness.

soon jeongguk's sparkler went out, but taehyung quickly used his own to light up the other sparkler in jeongguk's hand right before his burnt out.

"i'm keeping my promise," taehyung said, now using the fire from jeongguk's sparkler to light up his other sparkler.

"what promise?"

"that i'd light everything up for you."

jeongguk didn't say anything back, didn't really know what to say back. he decided to just continue playing with his sparkler.

"i challenge you, min jeongyeon, to an acrostic poem duel!" the two heard beomseok scream from afar.

taehyung and jeongguk approached them, to see what the ruckus was about.

"you little punk. fine, i accept," jeongyeon declared back.

jeongguk nudged baekhee lightly, "what's going on?"

"they're fighting for the last pack of sparklers," she replied with a chuckle.

everyone's sparklers we're all done, so they sat and watched the two fight, except for baekhee who was keen on cheering them on, but won't tell who's side she's on. the little duel went on, and beomseok won in the end. he victoriously picked up the bag and opened it, tossing a single sparkler to everyone.

"yah! if you were going to give them away why did i even accept your stupid duel," jeongyeon hollered, taking a seat with the fresh sparkler.

beomseok ignored her and proceeded to sit down. "these are the last sparklers, so let's make it special. yoongi hyung, you light up yours first and then use the sparkler to light the sparkler of the person beside yours. then, just as it's about to burn out, make a wish! simple enough."

"well that sounds pretty dumb," yoongi commented with a sigh, "but let's do it anyways i guess."

yoongi used the lighter, setting fire to the sparkler, then attached it with jimin's. once jimin's lit up, he passed the flame to jeongguk, then went to taehyung, then jeongyeon, then baekhee, and finally beomseok.

"change of plans, since yoongi-hyungs is probably going to run out first, let's all blow the sparkler out at the same time," beomseok said, "make sure to make a wish."

"3, 2, 1!" beomseok counted down, and everyone blew theirs out.

baekhee clapped, but stopped as she realized she was the only one clapping.

"what'd you wish for?" taehyung asked jeongguk.

"it's a secret. what about you?"

"it's a secret."

the two boys gave each other dumb smiles. taehyung leaned his head back on jeongguk's shoulder, looking up at the sky. "guys look," taehyung pointed up, "the stars are out."

"woah, so pretty," baekhee said in awe.

"not as pretty as—," beomseok stopped as he realized what he was about to say, "—yoongi-hyung's cupcakes."

jeongyeon let out a snort laugh as beomseok and baekhee looked away from each other, and the others also snickered.

"of course my cupcakes are damn gorgeous," yoongi added to the joke.

the group laughed, except for the two blushing ones of course.

taehyung pointed up, "if you connect the stars, it sort of looks like a bunny." he looked back at jeongguk, "and you sort of look like a bunny. therefore, you are the stars."

"the fuck kind of logic is that," jeongguk said back with a chuckle.

"my kind of logic. my little bunny."

taehyung turned back to the sky, and good thing he did, as jeongguk eyes started tearing up.

"my little bunny..."

words he hadn't heard in a long time.

"my little bunny, stay safe. you'll do great wonders in this world, and remember, i'll always be in your heart, supporting you, always. if you miss me, just look at the stars, and i'll come and see you, my darling. my little bunny, please smile."

i hope you'll enjoy what i have planned for the next chapter kekekekeke

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