twenty-eight: turtles

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jeongguk straightened out the only suit he owned, which was handed down to him by his father. it was a simple black suit. he wore a black turtleneck under the unbuttoned coat instead of the usual white button-up jeongguk seemed to have misplaced somewhere.

he felt a bit embarrassed about walking with such formal attire outside, but there's wasn't many people out to be staring. jeongguk was to meet taehyung and the others at the café an hour before the party began, just in case some sort of chaos occurred and extra hands would be helpful.

as soon as he arrived there, employees were running in and out of the kitchen.

"boo," a voice behind the younger startled him.

he turned around to find that it was just taehyung. jeongguk let out a sigh, "hyung, that wasn't funny."

"you look good in formal attire gukkie," taehyung noted.

taehyung himself didn't look so bad either, he wore a similar black suit as jeongguk, but instead of the the turtleneck the older wore a white button-up.

"you guys are here, great!" they heard jimin shout, both averting they're gaze to the excited blond.

"hey hyung, is everything going alright?"

jimin nodded, "we're a bit behind on schedule for lunch preparations, but it'll be fine."

"that's good," taehyung added.

"take a seat, i'm a bit busy at the moment. want anything to drink?"

"nope, we're good," taehyung replied for the both of them.

as both males males headed towards a table, jeongguk was pulled back by a smirking blond. jimin leaned into the younger's ear, "wearing a turtleneck i see, anything interesting happen after you two left yesterday? angst was in the air."

jeongguk's face turned red as he realized what jimin meant, "what, no! nothing like that! i just like this turtleneck and thought it was appropriate for the party."

jimin let out a little chuckle and started heading back, but not before saying, "sure gguk-ah, sure."

jeongguk shook off the older's teasing and walked over to the table taehyung was sitting at, took a seat beside him.

"what happened? i overheard jimin talking about a turtle," taehyung inquired. once he had put his phone down, he got a proper look at the younger. "you're beet red."

jeongguk touched his cheeks, and they were pretty warm, "what? oh nothing, jimin just... told me he liked my outfit choice! that's all, i just got a bit embarrassed at the compliment."

"i mean, you do look hot."

jeongguk's face got a shade darker, and taehyung definitely noticed, as he had a visible smirk plastered on his face.

"uh, thanks, um y-you too," jeongguk stuttered, praising himself for not fainting.

"you think i'm hot?" taehyung's smirk got wider, as he leaned back in his chair.

up a shade of red he goes.

"w-what no! i mean yes, but no! just—" jeongguk wishes he was dreaming, as it was the only solution to escaping this.

the older started laughing, "i'm just messing with you gukkie, i know i'm hot, i'm always hot."

"cocky much?" jeongguk's normal self started rising back, as his face started cooling down.

"only for you, babe," he replied with a wink.

"that doesn't even make sense," jeongguk started, but stoped when he saw a familiar face in front waving.

"oh baekhee-sshi," jeongguk waves back, "sit down. how's your hand?"

"hey, you seemed to have wrapped the bandaid pretty well," taehyung added as she took a seat beside jeongguk.

"thank you, i took me three tries, and my hand is feeling alright, thank you for asking jeongguk-sshi."

the three started talking, soon learning their shared interest in overwatch. baekhee was surprised at the story of jeongguk first play and win.

after a little while, beomseok, one of the employees as well as server for tonight's party, put a temporary stop their conversation. "excuse me jeongguk-sshi, yoongi-nim asked for me to bring you to the kitchen, he wanted to confirm with you the finishing touches for dessert."

"oh, of course," jeongguk got up from his seat. as he started walking to the kitchen, he saw that beomseok was not behind him, so he turned to see the latter staring at baekhee, who returned the same look.

it seems that they like each other, but by the looks of it, they haven't told each other.

jeongguk noted to himself to try to help the young lads afterwards, "beomseok-sshi, are you coming?"

"huh? oh, yes sorry."

they both walked to kitchen, finding yoongi placing the finishing touches on the cake.

jeongguk noticed that the  design had been manipulated a little, such as the teacup was placed at the bottom instead of the top of the cake, but it suited the aesthetic very well, even better than jeongguk's sketch.

"it looks amazing!" jeongguk exclaimed, making yoongi look up and smile.

"thanks, just wanted to know if you think i should at this," yoongi held up a ball of what seemed like gold tumbleweed, "it's spun sugar, and i didn't know if i should place it at the top as it looked quite empty."

"actually, i think it would look perfect. hyung, you're a genius," jeongguk shared.

"thank you jeongguk-ah, i just needed someone's artistic opinion instead of a shrug!" he shouted the last part out making sure every employee heard.

jeongguk just laughed it off and went back to his table, finding that baekhee was gone.

"where'd baekhee-sshi go?" jeongguk asked taking his seat.

"yoongi-hyung's sister came and took her away."

jeongguk nodded, he really wanted to talk to her about something, and something as in her love life. jeongguk wasn't one to meddle in other's business, but then again, jeongguk seems to not know a lot about himself anymore. not after a certain someone entered it.

just something about their situation annoyed jeongguk. it's clear they like each other, but both just needed a little push, or maybe even a nudge. he just wanted others to be happy, and that made him happy.

jimin is actually my friends whenever i wear a turtleneck
not sure if i'll be able to update tomorrow, as i have not written the party chapter yet woops
i'll try tho

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