seventeen: flirting

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"what are you listening to?" taehyung asked, grabbing an earphone from jeongguk's ear and plugging it into his own.

over and over - chris garneau

"bro, you listen to chris garneau too?" taehyung jumped, "marry me, please?"

jeongguk just responded with a laugh.

the two boys sat silently in the almost empty bus, enjoying the beautiful music jeongguk had in his playlist.

once taehyung noticed they reached their stop, they both got off, and had a bit more walking to do.

"and we're here," taehyung exclaimed, presenting the large building.

"a skating rink?" jeongguk questionned reading the huge sign dangling off the building.

taehyung nodded. they both entered the building, which was almost empty if it weren't for the two employees laying around.

taehyung approched the girl at the counter, who was listening to music, scrolling through her phone.

"excuse me," taehyung said out, which went unheard over the music. "excuse me," he repeated, this time louder, and seems to have caught the girl's attention.

"oh sorry, umm, welcome to icy-ice. how many people?" she asked, getting up and straightened herself.

"two," taehyung said motioning both him and jeongguk.

taehyung paid for the admission, "saeyoung there will help you find skates and helmets to borrow if you don't have any. well, once he wakes up." the girl threw what seemed to be a piece of chalk at the sleeping boy, saeyoung, who woke like he had just been shot. the girl resumed to listening to her music.

"whoah, wha- i didn't do it," the boy yelled out. it took him a few seconds to take in his surroundings. once he realized what was happening, he helped the two males find the right size for their feet and head, and went right back to sleep.

what great employees this place has.

the rubber flooring kept both boys balanced as they walked to the entrance of the actual rink. it was completely empty. after all it's twelve pm on a wednesday. usually only teenagers come here, and they should all most likely be in school. it was also a private skating area, hence why taehyung had to pay, and many would prefer a public and free one, but this was the closest to taehyung and jeongguk's little town.

"hyung, do you know how to skate?" jeongguk asked.

taehyung just shook his head, "you?"

"i used to when i was five, but i don't remember."

"great, we can learn together."

"are you sure it's safe. neither of us know how to skate, and i don't think the employees here will come to our rescue."

"oh don't worry jeonggukkie, we'll be fine, trust me," taehyung reaches out his arm, so they can both enter together. jeongguk hesitantly gave his hand to taehyung, "okay, i trust you."

taehyung put one foot onto the ice, and carefully the other. he didn't move, trying to keep his balance. he waited for jeongguk to enter, who did just as slow as taehyung.

"okay now what?" jeongguk asked, both frozen in spot, not knowing what to do.

"umm we just go for it i guess? baby steps," taehyung said letting go of jeongguk's hand, nudging little by little, moving less than an inch.

if jeongguk said he didn't miss the warmth given by taehyung's hand, he would be lying. jeongguk tried hard to remember what his instructor had said back when he was little. it was a little workshop his local community center held, but very helpful.

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