thirty-two: i spy with my little eyes

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"rock, paper, scissors!" taehyung and jeongguk screamed out for the eighteenth time. taehyung struck paper while jeongguk struck scissors. "how is it that you've won every single match? not even beomseok could beat you," the older exclaimed. jeongguk had a victorious smile on his face, "'cause i'm just that great!"

"all hail the great whatever your last name is jeongguk," jeongyeon let out sarcastically, making everyone laugh.

"bow down to him you peasants," jimin added laughing.

"who are you calling peasants," beomseok yelled out, adding on to the volume of laughter. even yoongi was laughing.

"y'all are so extra," jeongguk laughed.

"jeongguk-ah, play against me!" baekhee beemed, and they did, about fifteen times. every single time it was a draw. was it even possible, maybe highly unlikely, but definitely not impossible.

"i've lost faith in humanity today," jeongyeon faked a faint.

"all hail the great jeongguk and baekhee," taehyung fixed.

the ride went along with them joking around, the group becoming close even if they just got to know each other. the laughter went on until something caught beomseok's eyes, "look, horses!"

everyone's attention turned to whatever beomseok seemed to be pointing at. there was a couple horses surrounded galloping around in a track.

"yoongi-hyung, can we go there first, i've always wanted to see an actual horse," jimin begged, which yoongi easily plied to. yoongi found a path that lead to the stable, and took that turn.

yoongi stopped the vehicle, and everyone got off. a nice lady, maybe in her late-thirties, approached them. "hello there, what brings you all over here?"

yoongi spoke up first, "we just saw a couple horses on our way that caught our attention. do you perhaps have horse riding sessions here?"

"oh, i'm terribly sorry. sessions are mondays and tuesdays only."

as soon as she said that, everyone's excitement faded, and was clearly noted by the lady. "but, for you young lads, i could let you come into the stable. it's about feeding time, and i wouldn't mind a few extra hands."

everyone thanked the lady for being so kind as she lead them into the stable. "my name is caroline by the way. just know that i'm from australia if my korean sounds a bit weird. moved here when i met my husband over there training the young horses," she pointed at the man they saw a silhouette of riding a horse.

"now, my kids are very welcoming but don't scare them too much."

"kids?" beomseok questionned.

"my horses, they're my kids. anyways, all you have to do is feed them these carrot sticks. i've already given them hay so this is just a little treat that all my horses enjoy."

as soon as she stopped explaining the easiest way to feed them, they all ran for the carrot sticks as if they were little kids on an excursion.

jeongguk ran up to a little horse, smaller than the average horses in the stable. taehyung followed jeongguk as they're was only six horses in the stable at the moment, so some had to pair up. jeongguk was excited at first, but quickly got frightened when it came to feeding her.

he held out the hand with the carrot sticks and looked away closing his eyes.

"what are you doing?" taehyung inquired with a chuckle.

"feeding uhh," jeongguk read the name written beside him on the wood in english letters, "sp-spri-spring?"

"that's not how you feed literally anything on this planet."

taehyung then decided to demonstrate feeding spring. he held out the carrot close to spring's mouth with his hand spread out flat. the horse first gave in a questioning state, but leaned in and took the carrot into his mouth from taehyung's hand.

"see, simple," taehyung even pet spring a little.

"umm," jeongguk became quite nervous, but decided to copy taehyung's action. the younger's face instantly lit up when spring had decided to take the carrot from him. "hyung! hyung! did you see that! she ate it!"

"i saw, i saw— wait where are you going?" taehyung asked as jeongguk ran back to the carrots, holding one up to show taehyung.

"now, don't feed them to much, three to four is enough, they'll get more later tonight," caroline had added.

jeongguk came back with two more carrot sticks in his hand, giving one to taehyung. they both took turn feeding spring, the younger getting excited again as she ate it.

"well, who is this?" they heard a man say as he entered the stable with two horses.

"we got a few nice guests today," caroline informed, "guys, this is my husband, dongwoo."

everyone gave a slight bow greeting the male.

"well would you look at that, everyone seems so excited today. especially spring over there. she's usually at the back, laying down," dongwoo commented.

jeongguk and taehyung looked back at spring, they didn't see any excitement in her face, but the owners should know them best after all.

as the sun started setting, yoongi decided they should head back on the road. they bid goodbyes and thanked the nice couple for the warm welcome.

"they're really nice, we should go there again another time," jimin said, buckling his belt.

"they are," yoongi added, starting up the engine. everyone waved from the window to caroline and dongwoo who waved back.

"hyung, head straight and take a left turn. i remember coming around here once. there's a really nice stargazing place," taehyung said, turning to jeongguk who got excited at the mention of stars. taehyung knew the younger would enjoy it.

"o.k.," yoongi flashed a thumbs up from his seat.

"let's play i spy with my little eyes!" jeongyeon exclaimed quickly getting bored, earning an no from yoongi that was ignored by everyone as they began playing.

"i'll go first," baekhee said, "i spy with my little eyes, something that is green!"

"the trees!" jimin exclaimed and baekhee clapped.

"oh come on, that was too easy. i'll go, i spy with my little eyes, something yellow and small," jeongyeon said.

"jimin-hyung!" jeongguk exclaimed, earning a laugh from everyone. well, except for jimin who turned back, "ha ha very funny."

"very funny indeed," jeongyeon said laughing, "but no."

"oh! the rearview mirror charm!" taehyung pointed and the yellow sun charm that dangled along with a moon charm.

"bingo!" jeongyeon screamed.

"okay, i'll go," taehyung began, "i spy with my little eyes something... gorgeous and beautiful."

jimin let out a squeal, and peeped out, "is it gukkie?"

taehyung looked at the now blushing jeongguk, "of course."

"gross, get a room you two," jeongyeon added, but once again went ignored due to jimin's high pitch screams.

that's it.
just going to cry here in the corner for the theorist armies to figure it all out.
bts seriously needs to stop killing me, like give me a month notice in advance please.
(no but seriously jeongguk sounds like an angel sent from the heavens)
stan talent, stan legends, stan bts.
(also, i swear there will be more talking in the next chap this was sort of just a filler)

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