sixty-four: seoul

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"so did you talk with your mom?" the boy questioned. the two got tired after their little competition, deciding to take a snack break.

"uh, actually, yeah. she called this morning and wanted to meet again later this week."

"did she say anything else?"

taehyung shook his head, placing a sugar cookie into his mouth.

"i've been meaning to ask. how did she get your information, isn't it all private and protected and stuff?"

"she's hella rich or something, and found me through her connections."

"hella rich?" the younger repeated, but only to earn a casual nod from the other.

"but i honestly don't know why she would do something like that. what if i already had a family that cared for me? would she try to rip me away from them?"

"maybe she would've gave up."


they ate more snacks, not wanting to get too deep into the matter. soon, they heard an announcement, informing them the next destination is seoul.

"we're here!" jeongguk exploded with excitement. the train came to a stop. they gathered their luggages and headed for the exit.

taehyung inhaled the fresh air. "i haven't been to seoul in forever."

the younger nodded in agreement. he took out his phone, quickly ringing his uncle.

"hello, uncle?"

"oh, jeongguk-ah! where are you?"

"i was about to ask you the same thing," he replied with a laugh.

"oh wait! i think i see you, i'll be right over."

the boy began looking around and instantly spot his frantically waving uncle. he quickly grabbed taehyung's arm and lead him through the crowd in the direction of the man.

"uncle, uncle!" jeongguk yelled, letting go of his grip on the slightly confused boy and hugged his uncle.

the two looked at each other with the brightest smile.  jeongguk's uncle ruffled the younger's hair as he said, "oh, look how you've grown. it's been such a long time."

"sure has."

there was a pause, the bustling of the people around them were still heard as the boys looked at each other. the oldest of three broke the silence as he cleared his throat. "well, aren't you going to introduce this handsome fellow over here?"

"hmm?" jeongguk hummed looking over at the older. "oh yes, uncle meet kim taehyung, hyung meet my uncle."

taehyung politely bowed. "nice to meet you, jeongguk's uncle."

"oh c'mon boy not need to be so polite. just think of me as your uncle like jeongguk. well, enough with the chit chatting for now, how about i bring you two over to where you're staying, you must be tired."

with that, the three steered themselves away from the crowd and hopped into mr. jeon's minivan. "so, taehyung, how long have you been friends with our little gukkie?" jeongguk's uncle started.

the older recalled to their relationship. at first they were strangers and jumped right into a relationship, but how long were they friends? he decided to speak and not let the silence mean ignorance. "well, we've known each other for about a month now."

"a month! oh dear, you two must be great friends if jeongguk's bringing you over to my place. y'know, when he was younger, he was quite a popular kid. whenever i asked him why he doesn't bring any of his friends to play, he answers with 'we're not that close'. you've changed a lot since i've moved here, huh gguk-ah?"

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