twenty-two: is it fate

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"woah, what is happening here?" a young man walked into taehyung and jeongguk laughing their heads off to something taehyung has said.

"ah, joonhyuk-hyung, you're here! is it six already?" taehyung checked the clock, "time flies quick. well then, i'll see you later, bye-bye. come on guk, let's go."

jeongguk followed taehyung out after he took of the apron and handed it over to joonhyuk. the poor boy was left with an apron in his hand and a confused face.

"so what are you going to do now?" jeongguk questionned the older.

"go home, watch a movie or something then bam! it's time to start a new day."

"wait, what about sleep?"

"only if i feel like it," taehyung answered simply.

jeongguk looked at the older in disbelief, "only if i feel like it? hyung you just stayed up until six, aren't you tired?"

"of course i'm tired."

"then aren't you going to sleep?"

"well to be honest," taehyung took a pause, "don't laugh, okay?" jeongguk nodded. " i guess i'm scared of sleeping in a way. when i was back at the foster home, i shared a room with a bunch of other guys. we used to goof around late at night after caretakers fall asleep. that room alone with those boys was the only place that felt like home to me, and then..."

"and then..?"

"then i left, and ever since then i couldn't sleep well. after i got the job here, didn't sleep at all. it doesn't really affect me that much, my health is fine. i take small naps throughout the day."

"hyung," jeongguk trailed off, "are you scared of sleeping alone?"

"what? no! maybe? aish, i am aren't i?" taehyung let out a sigh.

"i can—" jeongguk mumbled, yet still audible to taehyung's ears, "i can sleep with you if you want."

taehyung eyes widen, shocked, "what?"

"not like that! just, like a bunk buddy, minus the bunk."

"oh okay, yeah, sure."

soon, they reached taehyung's apartment. the air was thick as they both entered taehyung's room. they haven't really spoken a word after taehyung's little confession, making the entire situation more awkward than it should've been.

"so uh, you can sleep on the bed, i can find my sleeping bag an—" taehyung suggested but was interrupted by the other.

"we can both sleep on the bed, i don't mind."


taehyung changed while jeongguk went to the washroom. it may have been perfect timing, but jeongguk got out just as taehyung finished putting on his shirt.

"i'll take this side of the bed," jeongguk said as he got in the left side of the bed, covering himself up with the blanket, making sure to leave more than enough space for taehyung.

taehyung shortly joined the younger in bed, making sure not the cross the imaginary line in the middle. taehyung spent a few minutes staring at jeongguk, who had his back facing him. the older's hands itched, telling him to do something. what if the younger got mad? taehyung decided to test the waters and wrapped his arms around jeongguk waist, pulling him a closer, just until the younger's back touched his body.

the younger let out a small gasp.

taehyung snuggled into jeongguk, enjoying the warmth the boy was giving off. neither of them has peeped out a word, so taehyung assumed jeongguk was fine with the older's action.

truly, he was not. jeongguk's heart was racing faster than ever, he was biting the insides of his cheeks, trying to calm himself down. did he like the older's sudden actions? not so much. did he hate them? no at all.

after a little, jeongguk heard light snores emit from behind. taehyung had fallen asleep. jeongguk tried to sleep, but he couldn't. even through his brain was ready to shut down, his heart surely wasn't. jeongguk shifted, turning around so he could face taehyung's body. slowly and very hesitantly, he brought his own hands to wrap around taehyung's body. jeongguk felt nice, he felt something he hadn't felt in a while. he wished he had felt it sooner.

he wishes he had met taehyung sooner.

he also wishes he hadn't met taehyung at all, because he knows meeting him is going to cause him a lot more heartache than if he hadn't. he could've just been the guy he saw a couple times at the coffee shop. still, would they have met eventually if it weren't for taehyung's introduction that day? maybe accidentally bumping into each other, or at his dad's shop or the convenience store, or maybe even on the streets?

jeongguk wasn't the biggest believer in faith, but he did believe that everything happens for a reason.

what could possibly be the reason for this boy to enter jeongguk's life?

woops almost forgot to update again.
hope you liked this chapter (lol i cuz i don't)

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