fourty-three: last day

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taehyung had woken up bright and early that day, from the first time in forever getting a good night sleep alone. although he was quite excited, there was a slight discomfort in his body. jeongguk was unpredictable, he may end there relationship today and he may not. taehyung obviously hopes to stay together, as he found the younger quite interesting, and would like to learn more.

he got ready quickly and left his apartment as he had to make a stop before heading to the café. he went straight to the post office, requesting if he had any mail. the worker there looked around for a bit, and found a few letters and a package addressed to kim taehyung. he thanked her politely, only taking the package and leaving the letters behind for the mail man to deliver them.

taehyung quickly rips open the package, hoping it was what he thought it was. there was a cube like form wrapped in bubble wrap inside, which was also quickly torn apart, revealing two identical rectangular boxes. the boy carefully opened one of them, examining its beauty.

a thin bracelet, with two blue tassels connected at the end. it was quite nice and lightweight, but the price was a bit heavy. it didn't matter much to taehyung; he didn't have to think twice when he read over the meaning of these two matching bracelets. the little gift was order the day before they left for the road trip on express shipping.

taehyung thought flowers were too overrated, promise rings were too fast, necklaces are too noticeable, and matching piercings we're not quite common. although the matching bracelets weren't too creative, he still believes jeongguk would greatly appreciate them. well, let's just hope he does. with that, taehyung started heading toward the café, going a little earlier than planned.

he settled in the table the two had met not long ago, smiling at the memory. taehyung decided to wait until jeongguk arrives so they can order together. it the meanwhile, he wanted to appreciate the lovely gift again, fishing it out of his pocket. his thumb grazed of the engraved logo on the box. he checked a clock hung up on the café wall; there was only twenty minutes left before their planned meeting.

to be honest, taehyung isn't one to usually make sure he looks good for others, only to please himself. this morning however, taehyung made sure he looked extra sharp and clean. he even shaved, and cut all his fingernails.

jeongguk on the other hand was a hot mess. jumping on one leg as he tried to yank of his sweatpants as brushed his teeth while he combed his hair. the boy may or may have not stayed up really late thinking about a certain someone, causing him to sleep and wake up late. jeongguk took a quick glance at the clock. he has about fifteen minutes left before they need to meet up, and he hasn't even decided what to wear yet. once all his clothes are successfully off and his face and hair is nice as possible, he rushed to his closet in only his boxers. jeongguk grabbed the first nice article of clothing he saw was decent, and quickly slid it on. as soon as he was ready, jeongguk rushed out, not forgetting to grab his phone, house keys, and his satchel, which now had a cute little charm attached to it.

the boy began running as fast as he could until he reached the café. he stood outside, took deep breaths with his hands on his knees. jeongguk lifted his head up to see the older through the window, staring down at some sort of box in his hands. a smile curved on jeongguk's lips as he saw how happy taehyung looked. just as he was about to start walking again, his phone began vibrating from his pocket.

"hello?" jeongguk answered the unknown caller.

"yes, hello, is this Mr. Jeon's guardian?" a female voice rang through the phone.

"yes, he's my father."

"Well, we're calling from xxxxx hospital. your father has been admitted here. it is possible there was an accident, we can't be for sure as he was only found on the street with no vehicles in sight. it would be great for you to get here as soon as possible."

jeongguk froze, his eyes widened. he must've heard wrong, so he stuttered out, "m-my father got in an a-ac-ccident?"

"not for sure, please get here as soon as possible, we haven't gotten a clear understanding on how serious the issue is but it would help us a lot to have the consent of a family member."

"is he alright? what kind of accident? is it serious?" jeongguk began shouting at this point, tears brimming to his eyes.

the lady took in a breath, "we don't believe it was quite serious, there doesn't seem to be any physical wounds other than a area on his forehead, but there's not time to talk right now. please come as soon as possible."

jeongguk quickly agreed and end the call. his hands trembled as he ran to one of the two hospitals this small town had. he ran and ran, not stopping for even a second, completely forgot about his previous run to another person. at this moment, there was only one person running through his mind, and only one thought at the moment.

please don't leave me, you can't leave me like this. you promised me i'd never have to go through that heartache again. if you break your promise, i will never forgive you appa!

lol, i bet y'all saw that coming.

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