ten: catch me if you can

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they stood frozen in that position for a while, staring into the other's eyes, resting their foreheads against each other. neither wanted to move, but they knew they couldn't say like this forever, it had to end at one point.

everything ends at one point, in jeongguk's opinion. no human can live forever, nothing can last forever, there's no way to extend the time of an expiry date.

"you can't be my sun," jeongguk managed to cough out.

"why not?"

"because, the sun is something i can never reach, it's too far, one-hundred-and-fifty million kilometres away to be exact."


"so, if you were to be my sun, you'd have to stay one-hundred-and-fifty million kilometres away from me."

taehyung displayed a smile, a very genuine smile. this is the first time the younger had actually said that he wants to be with taehyung, even if it was indirectly.

"fine, i'll be the light the sun shines. i'll light up everything for you, from every room you enter to your thoughts."

jeongguk knew he was blushing, taehyung clearly saw it, but still, jeongguk wanted to hide. he questioned if he he should just bury his face into the older's chest, but decided on just pulling away and looking to the other side, not wanting to embarrass himself any more. taehyung's smile flipped, portraying a light frown. he wanted to keep staring at the younger's beautiful face, he doesn't know how to put it into words exactly, but he can stare at his boyfriend forever. taking in every little detail that made up this gorgeous boy.

"hyung, can we play some video games?" jeongguk tried changing the subject, and taehyung played along. "sure, i only have overwatch though," he said rising from the couch they were sitting on to set everything up, "i can teach you."

after showing and teaching everything taehyung thought jeongguk should know, he handed the controller over to jeongguk, to let him try. surprisingly, jeongguk did amazing, better than taehyung even —who's been playing for a long time. "you're sure this is not you're first time?" taehyung questioned poking the younger's thighs, which jeongguk didn't even feel or hear as he was so concentrated in the game. after jeongguk's team had won, where he basically did everything, he brought his hands up, celebrating his victory.

"hyung! hyung! did you see that? i killed almost all the opponents!" jeongguk jumped, displaying his cute smile. taehyung just stared at the adorable little bunny.

"i can't believe that was your first time," taehyung said scooting closer to jeongguk, "my boyfriend is amazing," pinching jeongguk's cheeks.

"yah! don't pinch me, i'm not a little kid, and of course i'm amazing, i'm great at everything."

jeongguk seemed to be getting more comfortable with the older, talking more casually as the hours went by.

"oh really? from the little victory dance you did, i can clearly see you're not a kid, and don't forget that i'm the one that taught you."

"what, i didn't even dance, and come on, i bet you do that when you win too, if you even win that is, which i also bet you hardly do."

"you little twerp, come here," taehyung lunged at jeongguk, ready to pinch his cheeks again, but jeongguk gets up, running away. "only if you can catch me!" he said while laughing, or even giggling. taehyung chased after him in his little apartment, mirroring the same big smile jeongguk has.

the younger goes behind the couch, as taehyung is in front, not being able to chase him by either side since jeongguk can easily go in the opposite direction, leading them is a circle around the couch.

"are we really going to do this?" taehyung asked in a playful tone.

"well, it's up to you."

taehyung never expected the younger to be this, how should he put this? cheerful? he's energetic, and a bit competitive. he's like a little, a completly different person from earlier. taehyung thought he was going to forever be a shy and quiet type, which jeongguk still probably is, and will be after his excitement from the video game cools down. either way, taehyung likes all sides of jeongguk, and he wouldn't want him to be any different.

taehyung deciding there's no point of going in circles around this couch, decided to jump over it, catching jeongguk by surprise, not giving him enough time to run away again. taehyung jumped at jeongguk, both loosing their balance. taehyung quickly wrapping himself around jeongguk and going under him as they crashed to the ground, making sure the younger wouldn't get hurt. he held jeongguk, who was on top of him, tightly in his grip. although taehyung couldn't see jeongguk's face, as they were both staring the sealing, he knew jeongguk was most likely blushing.

flustered jeongguk. his favourite jeongguk right after pda jeongguk and bunny jeongguk.

"caught you," taehyung said victoriously.

"i guess you did."

"and i'm never letting you go."

i've never played overwatch, so i tried to search on youtube to see how so that i could write taehyung explaining it to jeongguk and including some fluff, but like i didn't want to say anything wrong and offend anyone, so i didn't.
pm me if you want to help me write that part though (only if you play overwatch or know a lot about it)
bye <3

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