eighteen: cute

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"aren't you going to eat?" jeongguk asked, munching on the delicious fried squid.

taehyung has been staring at jeongguk for the past seven minutes, admiring the way the boy eats. "not hungry," he replied honestly, but even if he was, he'd rather keep watching the younger eat.

"well, more for me," jeongguk grabbed another piece of fried squid along with a piece of fried shrimp, stuffing both in his mouth at the same time.

if only he looked at me the way he looks at food.

"how are you so fit? you eat to your heart's desire, which there is nothing wrong with, but tell me, what's your secret?" taehyung had been wondering about this for a while.

"well to be honest, i don't always eat this much. usually cup ramen or bagels, anything cheap. i pay for my own expenses including rent and i'm saving up for something. not much to splurge on food," jeongguk became quiet.

taehyung wanted to ask what he was saving up for, but didn't get the chance as jeongguk spoke again.

"that's why i'm going to enjoy all the food you buy me this week," the smile returned to jeongguk lips as he grabbed the last fried squid. "what about you?" jeongguk asked with a stuffed mouth, "you seem to be rich spending money as you please, even though you work at a convenience store. aren't you saving up for anything?"

taehyung pondered on the question, his face lighting up as he found the answer, "like i told you, i've got nobody to support but myself, and the night shifts pay very well. never really saved up for anything except a car which a soon gave up, preferring public transport. i like spoiling you though, so don't worry about me spending money. but now th—," taehyung got cut off with jeongguk wiggling is finger.

"no no no, i was never worried about that, i don't care if you end up broke by the end of this week."

taehyung let out a laugh, "wow, so mean. anyways, now that i think about it, there is something that i would like to save up for."

"you can start saving up after this week ends."

"what if i want it by the end of this week."

"nothing is more important than buying me food," jeongguk said, showing his bunny smile.

nothing is more important than seeing you smile.

"i guess you're right."

"i'm always right." jeongguk flashed a thumbs up.

"yes you are." taehyung reached out to ruffle jeongguk's, but got quickly stopped as the other's hand slapped it away.

"don't touch the hair, i spent way to much time on this and it's not going down the drain."

taehyung came to a realization, "you styled you hair? now that i think about it, it is different from your usual hair."

jeongguk gave him a now you notice look.

taehyung leaned in, getting a closer look, "and are you wearing makeup? aww babe, you dressed up for our date, you're so cute."

"w-what? no! it wasn't for you. i didn't know where you'd be taking me. what if you took me to meet iu noona! i need to look good," jeongguk lied.

taehyung let out a chuckle, "you have a gorgeous boyfriend right here but you wanna look good for someone you've never met?"

"oh sh-shut up, and i'm not cute!"

"you're right," taehyung nodded.

jeongguk looked at him surprised, "i'm not? i mean, yeah i'm not!"

"cause you're motherfucking kawaii!" taehyung raised the pitch of the voice as high as he could while bringing both his hands up and flashed two peace signs.

jeongguk just remained still with his mouth wide open, "i swear to god if you weren't buying me food i would've left you here and now."

sorry didn't update yesterday! i'm not feeling well :(
hope you liked this badly written filler, i swear the next chapter (hopefully) will be better!

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