sixty-nine: endless

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"jeon jeongguk!" a loud voice boomed through the airport, gaining everyone's attention for a quick second. jeongguk was sure he wouldn't be spot with his hood covering most of his face, but boy was he wrong. taehyung began running over to the two boys with his luggage and took a stop in front of the younger.

"i thought you weren't coming to pick me up."

jeongguk lifted his head to get a proper look, bangs falling over his eyes. "m'not, jimin-hyung is."

"well then, i guess i'll just give my i missed you kisses to jiminie," taehyung said. he looked behind the boy to see a frantically waving blond. "chimchim!" he screamed, running over to attack the boy in a bear hug.

"we all missed you, tae!" jimin said. he took a peak over at jeongguk who watched the scene play out with a pout. "especially jeongguk over there."

taehyung turned back, smiling even wider as he saw the expression on the boys face. he approached jeongguk again.

"now, why are you pouting?"

jeongguk looked down as he mumbled, "i want my i missed you kisses."

fortunately for taehyung, he was able to make out the words. "what? i can't hear you, say it a bit louder!"

"i said, i want my i missed you kisses!" he said a bit more louder than he wanted. he looked around frantically, letting out a sigh of relief seeing no one else heard except for the grinning boy in front of him and jimin.

"say no more, babe." taehyung grabbed jeongguk by the sides of his hood, pulling them towards him, bringing both their faces as close as he could. he hid his head well in the hood knowing jeongguk wouldn't like this to be seen by everyone, although it would have been quite easy to guess what could be happening. he began attacking jeongguk with dozens of kisses all over his face, overwhelming the younger with joy.

"i missed you. so. fucking. much," taehyung said as he pulled away.

jeongguk smiled as he wrapped his arms around the older's waist. "me too." the boy couldn't help but go in for another kiss, missing the contact with taehyung, not caring about anyone judging them.

"okay, that's enough smooching for now," jimin said clearing his throat. "parking is money, my bros."

the two nodded and split from each other's hold. they began walking out the airport and towards the parking lot, taehyung having the luggage in one hand and jeongguk in the other. they didn't split in the car either, sitting in the back to cuddle.

"forgot how cold it would be here," taehyung cursed himself for wearing such light clothing. this made jeongguk put himself closer to the boy in hopes of being able to share his warmth.

"how was australia?" jimin questioned from the drivers street.

"it was great. there wasn't much to see, but everything that i saw was amazing."

"how's your sister and brothers?" jeongguk asked. taehyung had mentioned before he also now has two younger brothers, and the youngest being his sister.

"oh, they're the cutest little things. a little rowdy, but adorable. here, let me show you!" taehyung fishes out his phone and began scrolling through his camera roll. once he found a good family picture of them all, he showed the younger. jeongguk was shocked at the resemblance between taehyung and his father.

"so you get your beautiful smile from your father."

"yup!" taehyung said proudly. "see, that's taesoo, he's the oldest after me, in his second year of high school. his dream is to run appa's business. and that's hyuntae beside taehee. we also have a cute little dog, you can see him licking my leg there, his name's yeontan."

jeongguk nodded along to all the other pictures taehyung showed him, each with its on special memory.

"how'd you leave this all behind, hyung. i mean, look at this. you're so happy in all of them."

taehyung sighed. "i don't know gguk. i just— i just didn't feel like i belonged there. i'll visit them for sure, my father's willing to pay for all my travelling expenses. i just think korea is the place for me, y'know?" this seemed to confuse the younger even more. "and plus, you're here."

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "me being here isn't a proper excuse, hyung."

"wha— of course it is. we can be soulmates, remember! i'm not leaving my soulmate behind!"

jimin let out a chuckle. "ahh, you two are just too cute."

"you heard that? we're cute," taehyung said nuzzling into the younger.

"jimin-hyung," jeongguk called out softly after a few minutes of silence.


"i need you to close your ears for a second."

"umm, alright i'll try," he responded knowing the boy just wanted for him to ignore the couple's conversation. "just don't start talking dirty."

jeongguk nodded although the blond couldn't see it. he reached into his coat pocket, retrieving the present he had for the older. "happy birthday."

the older took the gift, unwrapping it nicely. his jaw almost dropped once he opened the box to reveal the watch. "jeongguk, i–i–" he was cut off as the younger leaned in to place a passionate kiss on taehyung's lips.

"it's my little way of saying thank you, for everything. you've made my dull world a lot brighter. time just seems to be endless whenever i'm with you, so i thought giving you a watch can help us keep track."

taehyung smiled warmly, giving a quick peck to the younger. "i've got something for you too. well actually, i got it a very long time ago but didn't feel like it was the right moment to give it yet." he pulled out a blue velvet covered box similar to the size of jeongguk's present. the younger took it carefully. once he opened it, a beautiful bracelet was revealed. taehyung brought his arm up, rolling up the sleeves to reveal a matching pair already on his wrist. "show me your wrist," he said, delicately taking the piece out of his casing and placing it around the younger's wrist.

"do you like it?"

jeongguk nodded, giving quick peck on taehyung's cheek. "i love it."

taehyung lowered his lips down to the younger's ear. "so uh, is this the only gift i'm getting?"

"there might be another," he whispered back.

"which is?"

"come home and you'll see."

taehyung would've left it there but the sensual smile on jeongguk's lips gave the boy other thoughts. before he can open his mouth, jeongguk beat him to it. "you can open your ears now, hyung!"

"good, 'cause we're here."

the two boys looked out the window to see they've arrived in the parking lot of sweet sugar cafe. time seemed to go quickly during the ride. the all got out, entering the cafe.

"sit, i'll go get us some drinks," jimin said.

they nodded, heading over to the table where it all began. jeongguk took a seat, taehyung taking the one right across from him.


"what?" jeongguk asked confused on what the older was now plotting.

"you're not going to ask why i'm sitting here?"

the younger smiled, recalling to their first meeting. he decided to play along. "do i need to?"

"i guess not, but i'll still you tell, only once though. so make sure you remember." taehyung smiled, leaning into the table. "full name, kim taehyung, my friends call me tae, twenty-two, ramyun master, and i love music, coffee and you."

jeongguk did his best not to grab the boy's face and kiss him then and there. instead, he decided to give the boy a reply, unlike the first time they had met where he decided to pretend to ignore the older's words.

"i love you too, hyung."

and they lived happily ever after, the end.


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