fifty-six: tickle fight

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"who makes this?" jeongguk asked, finishing of his last piece of waffle.

"that'd be me, good sir."

jeongguk looked up to a find a tall, handsome man, leaning against the table with an apron.

"you mean me! you're just a taste-tester for all my food!" a lady came in yelling.

"fine fine eomma, but you must admit, i have good taste, and i'm the one that made half the waffles today!"

jeongguk and taehyung just smiled looking at the bond the two share. it was quite random and sudden, but this entire orphanage held warm hearted people like them, so the boys got used to it quickly.

the man in front of the two remembered what he was originally doing. "oh sorry! i'm seokjin, i heard someone compliment me— i mean us, and i just had to thank them."

"well they're very delicious," jeongguk beamed, taehyung flashing a thumbs up in agreement.

"what kind boys you are. now i don't recall seeing your faces around?" the mother of seokjin questioned.

"oh yes, we're just visiting."

"that's nice. well, i'm only in the kitchen for breakfast, if you need anything, just come by the homework help block," seokjin said with a large smile.

suddenly, screams irrupted in the room. the four turned towards the sound to see that the kids were cheering and laughing at a certain someone.

the director walked in with a head full of a white substance on his head, most likely whipped cream.

"haha, very funny. now who's creative idea was this?" he asked with his deep voice as he glared around the room.

taehyung gulped, although he was in no way linked to this, he imagined what the old director would've done. he still can't get the image of the long black whip out of his head after all the years.

the boys and girls began giggling and pointing at one of the boys. namjoon's eyes landed on the boy, who began sweating. with a sharp glare he approached the boy, and as he reached in front of him, his lips formed a mischievous smile. namjoon began tickling him, everyone else joining on the tickle fight.

"they're at it again," seokjin said with a sigh, but his smile still not gone.

"what's happening?" jeongguk asked, clueless as taehyung.

"every month the kids are allowed to pull a single prank, after consulting with a caretaker of course, on the director. if the director is able to dodge that prank, he receives a massage from all the kids who were in on it, if not, he gets whatever the prank is and owes the kids an ice cream party."

"a massage?"

"now, this has been going on for nearly two years, and the man still hasn't gotten a massage. then he comes crying to me, saying the kids are bullying him."

his mother gave him a light slap on his shoulder. "oh cut him some slack jinnie. the kids are lucky to have a director like him."

"he's really nice," taehyung said with awe.

after a few seconds, the kids turned on namjoon and began attacking him. the director quickly managed to escape. he cleared his throat to let them know he was back to his serious self. "finish your breakfast now, i need a shower."

namjoon roamed the room until he found what— or who he was looking for.

"jin-hyung!" he screamed, running of to the boy. "the kids at bullying me again."

"what did i say?" seokjin said to the younger boys. he turned his attention back to the whining director. "now go take a shower, i'll save you some waffles."

"you're the best!" namjoon yelled. he quickly pinched the older's cheeks and ran out of the room.

"yah! i'm older than you, give me more respect!" seokjin yelled a little too late. "tsk. what a childish director he is. anyways, continue eating, we still have more batter and waffles to make." seokjin and his mother returned to the kitchen.

"it's a really nice atmosphere here, isn't it hyung?" jeongguk asked with a smile.

taehyung nodded, "yeah, it is. i wish it was always like this."

"isn't your mo— i mean, the family member coming today?"

taehyung nodded again, but his smile fading off. he looked down at his empty plate, almost as empty as his mind. he didn't know what to think of the situation, everything was happening so fast. one minute ago he was eating ramen at his workplace and now he's eating waffles at the orphanage, the place he swore never to return.

it's funny how some things work out, almost as funny as jeongguk playing with taehyung's finger once again absentmindedly. the older didn't mind, or think too much into it, it was a nice feeling that kept him calm— well, at least for now.

thank you for 2k reads!!

i'll update maybe two or three more times this week to make up for not being able to update next week (due to exams)

anyways decided to write a teeny weeny bit of namjin, do you want more?

idk, yoonmin wasn't going to be a part of this fic at all and it was only going to be taekook, but then i decided to include and also bring in hoseok for a bit so i thought it would only be fair to include namjin.
let me know what you think!


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