fifty: don't leave me

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jeongguk ran to the older's apartment as fast as he could. he had to temporarily close the shop but it was fine. good thing his father was asleep. once jeongguk reached taehyung's apartment, he saw that the door wasn't quite closed. the boy slowly opened the door wider and looked around of place for the male.

"hyung?" he called out softly. jeongguk began walking in, and assumed that he'd most likely be in his room, which he was correct. as soon as jeongguk walked in, he saw taehyung, buried into his knees on the ground. once the older heard footsteps approaching him, he looked up to see who it was.

"g-gguk?" taehyung's face was stained with tears, a sight jeongguk wasn't quite expecting. he rushed to the older's side, and without thinking twice he wrapped his arms around the other. "it's okay, it's okay, i'm here now."

taehyung let his tears flow for a little longer, but eventually calmed down. once jeongguk thought it was the right moment, and tried to move away, which the other didn't let happen.

"don't go, please?" the older begged.

jeongguk nodded. "i won't. tell me what happened when your ready."

they spent a few minutes in silence, and it wasn't as awkward as either thought it would be.

"the orphanage i used to live at called," taehyung began to speak. "they said one of my family member has gone their to find me."

"oh," is all jeongguk to say.

the older let out a bitter laugh and said, "the one place i never wanted to see again, and now i need to go there. can you believe it? i have someone related to me. i have a family. why did they come looking for me now? jeongguk, i-i dont know what to do."

"you should go see them, if they came to look for you, they probably regret leaving and want forgiveness. or maybe they just found out about you. but either way, you should go see them. family is something you should hold to you as close as you can," jeongguk said calmly, in a very quiet tone.

"you think?"

the younger nodded, and although taehyung couldn't see it, he felt it.

"i-i'm... i'm scared."


"to go alone to... to that place. that terrible, horrific place."

jeongguk thought for a while. "i can come with you."

"really?" taehyung asked looking up at the younger's face.

"really." the boy confirmed with a warm smile, that spread onto the older's lips.

after a few moments of remaining in that pose, they both realized the awkwardness seemed to have began to roam around them. jeongguk cleared his throat as he unwrapped his hand from the other, who just looked away.

"thanks." the older said.

"hmm?" he rested his head again the edge of the bed, spreading out his legs so they slightly touched taehyung's, who mimicked the same pose.

"for coming when i called. it means a lot to me."

jeongguk remained quiet, not knowing what reply with.

"uhh, so when are we going?"

"i don't know. maybe today?" taehyung requested.

jeongguk nodded. "i just need to go... somewhere. i'll be back. you should wash up."

they both agreed to meet up in an hour back at taehyung's apartment.

as jeongguk began walking back, he realized how much he had missed taehyung. he missed his warmth the most, and now that he had finally gotten it after a little while, he missed it more than ever.

no, jeongguk, stop. you're helping him. that's it. he's now just a... friend. yes, just a friend. spend the day with him today, help him. tomorrow, everything will go back to normal.

the boy let out a loud sigh, kicking a pebble in his path. he really was doomed. spending the rest of the day with someone who he may or may not have feelings for is never a good idea. feelings and emotions are quite a dangerous thing.

so i watched the bbmas.
bts were amazing (of course) i literally started crying cause of how proud i am of how far they've gotten, and my mom looked at me like i was insane but we also fangirled together so it was all good.
like, they're performing at an american music award show. they won top social artist. they fucking shook this entire world.

they started all the way at the bottom, and they've climbed up so far. they still have much more farther to go, i know they will, and i'm so glad i can be with them and support them.
and can you believe they didn't go to the afterparty once again just so that can celebrate together with us (vlive).
now that's what you call loyal kings. what did we do do get these seven amazing angels??

on a side note: oh my fucking god jeongguk pulling up his shirt will be the death of me.

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