eleven: fairy lights

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"where are you taking me?" jeongguk asked, as taehyung led jeongguk by the hand, climbing the stairs which would lead to the rooftop.

"my most favourite place in the world."

they reached a metal doors, locked shut. taehyung grabbed something out of his back pocket, a key, waving it in front of jeongguk before inserting the object into the keyhole.

"the landlord gave me to key after weeks of begging. i had to promise i'd clean the rooftop and mow the little patch of grass we have, but it was all worth it."

jeongguk looked around, near the edge, there was a single bed, which seemed to be a bit rusty. big blankets on the ground with beer cans laying around. so much for keeping it clean. taehyung jogged over to the place, pressing something that triggered the fairy lights to illuminate. the night wasn't as dark yet, but the lights still looked fantastic.

"you even have fairy lights, never knew you were a romantic hyung, i bet you've brought many people here."

"i told you i'd light up your world didn't i? you're also the first to come here, i'm not some sort of playboy babe."

"what an honour," jeongguk said sarcastically, sitting on the bed, the squeaky mattress letting out an irritating noise. taehyung took a seat beside the younger. they both watched the sun set, and the sky mix colours that jeongguk never can achieve put on a canvas. nature was just too beautiful to capture, and it was humans who were to trying to suck it away.

jeongguk shivered lightly, as the night drowned the day, the light breeze also followed. taehyung noticed, quickly picking up a blanket he had on one of the boxes he uses as a table, covering both of their back and moving closer to the younger, making sure jeongguk can get as much heat possible.

"thanks," jeongguk mumbles out, and taehyung hums back.

jeongguk looks back at the sky, amazed at how beautiful the sky can possibly look. he was absolutely starstruck.

"it's pretty," jeongguk said, taking out a phone to quickly snap a picture of the sky, which was a blended shades of pink, orange, purple and indigo. something jeongguk has never seen before, as he doesn't usually go out when the sun is setting.

"do you like taking pictures of pretty things?" taehyung asked, pulling out his phone as well, opening.

"i guess," jeongguk still taking pictures, trying to capture it at the best lighting.

taehyung angled the camera to jeongguk's face, which had the most beautiful glow, from both the fairy lights, and the last bits of the light from the soon disappearing sun.

"me too," taehyung said, snapping a picture of the younger, the flash blinding jeongguk's eyes. taehyung looked at the picture he just took. it was gorgeous, he was gorgeous, "very pretty."

jeongguk looked down, to —once again for the millionth time today, hide his flushed face. "oh shut up," he had managed to whisper out.



taehyung let out a chuckle, "do you like me calling you that? i thought you would've ignored me."

"i don't mind."

"wanna go on a date wednesday?" taehyung decided on wednesday since he doesn't exactly know where they would go, but he definitely wanted to go on a date with the younger.

"a date?"

"yeah, a date. today we just hung out, let's go on a proper date."


"it's a surprise."

"you don't even know where you would take me right hyung?" jeongguk said with a smile, hearing taehyung laugh lightly confirming the younger's suspicion.

"i'll figure it out."

"sure, let's go. it better be great though, my time is very valuable."

"literally doing anything with me, kim taehyung, is great."

"oh really, are you sure about that?"

"actually no, it's more than great, it's a fucking privilege."

"bro, mind your language," jeongguk said, laughing.

"m'bad bro."

they both laughed into the night, both excited for their date, but only one displaying the excitement, and the other celebrating quietly.

inspired by the sunset taekook pics during their
d-icon photoshoot.
dispatch is slowly exposing taekook and i'm dying.
also, is m'bad right, i wanted to write mah bad, but it just didn't look right??
sorry for any grammar mistakes.
bye <3

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