thirty-eight: carnival

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"welcome to dreamland special carnival!" a cheerful boy, possibly around eighteen, chirped as they entered the said carnival, handing them a pamphlet, "tickets and more information at that booth over there, have a good time!" they started walking towards the booth to buy some tickets, taehyung and jeongguk falling a little behind the group.

"He's cute, don't you think?" taehyung said playfully to jeongguk.

jeongguk scoffed, "if he's so cute, why don't you go tell him instead of me?"

"you're right," taehyung nodded, walking over to the young boy.

jeongguk wasn't expecting taehyung to actually go tell him, but hearing the boy yell out thank you, you too, proved him enough.

jeongguk shook his head, rolling his eyes as taehyung jogged back to jeongguk. he showed the younger a wide grin, which jeongguk ignored, fastening his pace to catch up with the others, who bought ticketed and to be looking around for the moment, trying to find a specific event using the map on the pamphlet.

taehyung decided it was the right time to hold jeongguk's hands, and very tightly. the younger tried to twist it out, but it didn't work.

"we broke up remember?" jeongguk reminded the other, "why don't you go ask the cute boy to hold your hand?"

"hmm? but i am, and it's only as friends ggukie. like baekhee and jeongyeon-sshi over there have their arms linked," the older pointed to the two females.

jeongguk decided to ignore the first few words, and rolled his eyes once again. he didn't really have anything to say back, so he let taehyung do whatever he pleased. they finally caught up with the group, who filled them in on what they were looking for. there was an area where an special spectacle which took place at one, and it's currently twelve-fifty.

finally, they found a large tent with a board titled "Midnight Spectacle". To enter, they each needed a single ticket. Yoongi held the tickets and gave seven to the lady collecting them, who let them in. they found empty seats here and there. even though they couldn't all sit together, jeongyeon, baekhee, yoongi, and jimin sat together as they're was four seats empty in a row, and the other found three seats together.

the show lasted for about an hour, various magic acts and animal tricks. jeongguk was amazed, and taehyung couldn't help but stare at the boy, who's eyes shined with admiration.

as the show ended, everyone rose from their seats to clap, and jeongguk had the widest smile and probably even the loudest claps.

they left the show with the crowd, then finding each other again a few minutes later.

"who else is hungry?" jeongyeon yelled out as soon as everyone gathered.

"only you jeongyeon," yoongi responded.

"then let's go eat!" she ignored her brother's words, pumping her hands into the air.

she grabbed the pamphlet and checked for where they can but lunch.

"okay, so there's a bunch of booths set up in the area over there. i say we split up and buy our preferred foods, then meet back in the eating area."

jeongyeon plan was good, so she led them to the where all the stalls and stands of food were set up, which wasn't all too crowded at the moment. they all split off, jeongyeon dragging yoongi to a stall as she didn't have ideas of buying her own food. beomseok went after them seeing they were heading to a ramen stall. jimin and baekhee both wanted to buy some fish balls, so they decided to look for any vendors who sold them. that left taehyung and jeongguk to venture off together.

"what do you want to eat?" taehyung asked the younger.

"hmm, anything," he replied simply.

"i don't think they have the anything you speak of here."

jeongguk lightly punched taehyung's shoulder with his free hand, as the other was once again in the hold of the other. "shut up, hyung."

the two decided it would be best to just walk and see if anything catches their eyes.

a mouthwatering smell suddenly hit both of the boys, eyes immediately steering to the origin. a grilled lobster stand. they had to wait since there were a few people ahead of them, but when it was their turn, they both ordered a grilled cheese lobster.

taehyung looked at the younger, taking out his wallet. "well since we technically broke up, that means i won't have to buy you food."

jeongguk gave the older a glare, as taehyung handed the man a few bills.

"just kidding," he laughed, putting back the received change in his wallet. they both took their food with their spare hands. before heading to the eating area, they bought two tornado potatoes, one wrapped in a hot dog for jeongguk, and also fishcakes.

they found a table which was currently occupied by jimin, baekhee, and jeongyeon, all already eating. the two joined them, taking seats and placing their food on the table. soon after, yoongi and beomseok came back together with a selection of food, and some some crispy crablets for jimin. they all ate, sharing and exchanging food between each other as everyone got something different.

"do you like it?" taehyung asked, nudging the younger.

"hmm, yeah. i really like the fishcakes, but i finished mines."

taehyung nodded, "have one of mine." he took one his untouched fishcakes and steered them towards jeongguk's mouth, who at the same time, spread out his palm. the younger didn't expect for the other to try and feed him, but he hesitantly opened his mouth and took a bite. taehyung smiled and let go of the fishcakes which dangled off of jeongguk's mouth, who quickly brought his hands up in case it fell. after he pushed the entire cake in, the younger slapped taehyung's shouldered, yelling out words taehyung couldn't quite understand due the food still in his mouth.

"you look so cute when you're eating," taehyung remarked, trying to block himself from jeongguk's hits.

"this is really not the time to flirt, ex-boyfriend," jeongguk's words became more clear as he swallowed.

"when is the right time then, ex-boyfriend?"

"when those two wonderful letters are gone."

"well then i guess i'll have to wait a little longer," taehyung returned to his food.

jeongguk didn't understand why they were still kept this joke running, but it didn't make much of a difference anyways. he'll just have to wait and see what taehyung has in store.

guys, i love hamilton the musical.

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