thirty: let's get this show on the road

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"thank you for all your hard work today," yoongi said cheerfully —after all guests left with a coffee bag in hand— to all those who helped out in both the kitchen and serving.

it was around four-twenty, and the plan was to head out by five.

"yes, it was great, everyone enjoyed the party quite well. now, we need to go somewhere, so would you guys maybe mind cleaning up," jimin butted in, making everyone groan as most refused. "those who stay back to clean get a twenty percent increase in this months pay check," jimin added, making yoongi's jaw drop to the floor. as soon as those words escaped his lips, everyone got to work immediately, some even fighting for the broomstick.

"perfect," jimin turned to the group clapping his hands together, "now everyone head back home, pack two or three sets of clothes, toothbrushes, towels, et cetera. honey, we need to unload the van we use to pick up ingredients and put back in the seats. beomseokie, come help us if you have time. taehyung-ah, you work at a convenience store right? can you maybe grab enough snacks for us with your employee discount? thanks. i think that's all, meet back here by five, okay?"

everyone nodded in agreement, heading out to quickly get changed and pack.

jeongguk and taehyung decided to split, as they didn't want to waste too much time. taehyung called in to his work, asking for a night off. his boss gladly accepted since this was one of the rare occasions the latter asks for a break. he also quickly stopped by and grabbed as much snacks as possible, avoiding the looks he gets for both his suit and basket full of sugary and savoury treats. then, dashed home, excited to pack up and meet with the rest.

jeongguk begins to pack right after he changes out of the suit. he grabs another turtleneck, as he realize they were quite comfortable. a couple t-shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pair of sweatpants, not forgetting any undergarments. a small towel, his toothbrush and toothpaste, and a pillow in case he wanted to sleep in the van. everything fit into his one of old school bags he had lying around. jeongguk carried the pillow in his hand.

it was around five-fifteen when everyone finally showed up. yoongi, jimin and beomseok struggled a bit with fixing in the seats, so taehyung and jeongguk decided to help. as always, jeongyeon arrived a bit late, dragging baekhee behind. finally, everyone got into yoongi's black van by five-thirty.

yoongi was in the driver seat, with jimin beside him in the passenger. in the back, they're were two rows of seats. the one closest to the driver held beomseok and taehyung with jeongguk in the middle. at the very back, jeongyeon and baekhee, with a seat occupied by jeongyeon's legs.

"okay, a bit late, but it's fine. now, let's get this show on the road!" jimin yelled out, everyone cheering him on as yoongi started the vehicle.

"where the hell are we even going?" yoongi asked, backing out of their parking space.

he waited for an answer. everyone realized no one really thought of where they are going, and were thinking jimin had it all under control.

"well, shit," jimin said, pulling out an actual map that gave him questioning looks for still carrying.

"what?" jimin asked sensing the weird stares, "i need to save my phones battery to take pictures."

"so where are we going?" beomseok asked, getting a little impatient.

"okay, by looking at this map. if we keep going straight, we'll end up somewhere."

"somewhere?" taehyung questioned.

"somewhere," jimin affirmed.

well, somewhere it is!

i legit cried today because of a video of jimin tearing up while looking at army
like i'm so proud of how far they've come and how much they've achieved, they deserve the world
face yourself also killed me
i'm just crying all over the place at this point
i'm glad bts came into my life
(also sorry if you wanted a ot7 road trip, i thought it'd be too cliché woops)

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