thirty-seven: dragons

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"one potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four! five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more," beomseok recited very lazily out of boredom.

"i swear to god if you don't shut you mouth i'll show everyone what your locksc—" jeongyeon started but got cut off by beomseok screaming.

"i'm sorry, i'll shut up!" he pleaded.

"show us what? your lock screen? now i'm curious, what is it?" baekhee beamed.

beomseok froze, "n-nothing."

although everyone dropped it afterwards, jeongguk had an idea or two of what his lock screen could be.

"what are you grinning at?" taehyung noticed and asked.

"i want to have a crush," jeongguk stated looking at taehyung. after a while of being awkward, the two went back to their normal state.

"you have me!" he yelled back jokingly.

"yeah but you're—" jeongguk remembered everyone could probably hear them talking, especially jimin. "—my boyfriend. meaning we already know we like each other. i want to experience the excitement of liking someone and not knowing if they like me back."

"are you trying to break up with me jeon jeongguk?" taehyung pretends to be offended and places his hands to his chest.

jeongguk lightly hits taehyung, both getting into little fits of laughter.

"yes, yes i am. now what are you going to do about that kim taehyung?" he asked back with a wide bunny-tooth smile.

"hmm, let's see. i'll get you back," the older stated with the same smile.

"oh really? well we'll see about that."

"yes we will," taehyung said, leaning in to capture the younger's lips who quickly blocked it with his hand.

"hey, we broke up! you can't do that anymore," jeongguk said laughing.

taehyung lips curved into a pout, "can we do it as friends then?"

jeongguk done with the older's way of thinking, let his guard down, giving enough time for taehyung to quickly kiss his cheek.

"hyung!" the younger exclaimed, hitting the laughing boy repeatedly.

yoongi let out a sigh, "seems like you two are still in the honeymoon stage."

"oh shut up hyung, you and jimin are still in the honeymoon stage and you've been dating for years," taehyung shot back.

"it's true," jimin added with a smile, making yoongi roll his eyes.

out of no where, they started hearing loud unrealistic cries in the back.

"jeongyeon, what the hell?" yoongi hollered.

"everyone has a boyfriend except for me, why does god do this to me? what did i do to him to deserve to be surrounded by people in love?"

"i don't hav—" baekhee started, but stopped suddenly when the other gave a death glare.

"really baekie, you wanna go there?"

baekhee frantically shook her head, signalling no.

"okay, new mission!" jimin yelled out, "find jeongyeon a boyfriend!"

"i'm in," beomseok yelled out, taehyung and jeongguk repeating the same afterwards.

"me five," baekhee added, raising her hand.

yoongi didn't say anything, but the others didn't expect him to be a part of this.

"but hyung, how?" jeongguk questioned.

"well you see ggukie, i haven't told you guys where we were going yet, but i'll tell you now. the lady at the hotel picked up we were on a road trip and told  me when we were checking out about a moving carnival near here."

"a carnival?" taehyung piped excitedly.

jimin nodded, "and i bet there's tons of cute guys there."

"carnivals are where all the cute guys are," taehyung added as a joke. he felt jeongguk hit the back of his head again. "what? i thought we broke up."

jeongguk just rolled his eyes with a smile, even if they weren't "real" boyfriends, and this was all just a type of free trial, he enjoyed playing the part. jeongguk turned his gaze to the window, looking out for any signs of the carnival. the younger was quite excited. he loves amusement parks, theme parks, fairs, carnivals and all sorts of thing. They were always so colourful and made jeongguk happy.

the younger feels like a five year old, but then again, those were the best times of his life. jeongguk wishes he could've remained a young kid forever, so innocent and pure, not knowing a single thing about the outside world, or the sad reality. wishes he could've stayed in imaginary fantasy world where he was able to slay dragons forever.

he can't do that anymore, no matter how hard he tries. the dragons that came in the way as obstacles in his life, he was never able to overpower them.

if jeongguk could turn back time, he'd go back to his childhood days.

ik this a taegguk book and it should be mostly about taegguk but i also want to focus on the other characters i'm sorry?
but dw, there'll be more taegguk not in the next chapter, but the chapter after that.

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