thirteen: friends

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they finished the meal, waiting for the shop to clear out. not many people came for brunch since it was only a breakfast special, so the place was nearly empty. taehyung thought this was the right time to go question why the boy had asked them to stay, as there was no line to make him busy.

taehyung approched the cashier, who was cleaning the register counter, ready to argue if jeongguk's suspicion was in fact right. jeongguk followed taehyung closely behind.

"umm hello," taehyung said, getting the attention of the blonde.

"oh hello there."

taehyung and jeongguk finally read the name tag.

"oh yes, i asked you to stay back, i'm so sorry. it's almost my break time, just wait two more minutes?" jimin said, not forgetting to flash a smile.

taehyung nodded, both going back to their seats.

after two minutes had passed, jimin had yelled out to them, "guys, come here!" he looked back at the boy who usually makes the coffee and tea, "i'll be back in a bit."

jimin led the two young males to —where they assume was— the break room.

"uh, it says only employees," jeongguk points out.

jimin waved his hand, "it's fine, i know the owner, also knows as the pâtissier, he let's me bring whoever i want."

jeongguk hesitates to enter, but taehyung takes him by the hand, both entering the break room. it wasn't completely empty, there was a girl taking a nap, and the pâtissier, or owner, they saw earlier decorating a cake.

"yoongi hyung, look who i brought," he said, running over to the male.

"oh, hey," he said bluntly, going back to decorating his cake. the man, yoongi, seemed a lot more cheerful earlier. he's a true professional, keeping a smile for customers.

taehyung and jeongguk stood still, not separating their hands. as soon as jimin noticed, he let out a high pitched squeal, which probably blared everyone's ear drums, including the previously napping girl.

"the fuck," she groaned, getting up, "jimin, what the fuck?"

"sorry," he apologized, scratching the back of his neck, "why are you even here? your shift doesn't start until five."

"to take a nap, but seems like i can't anymore," the girl answered. she finally noticed jeongguk and taehyung, who were still confused at the scene playing in front of them, "and who are these hot fellas holding hands?" a small playful smile forming to her lips.

"this is... uh," jimin began, but couldn't continue. he never did ask them their names. he looked at the two boys.

"i'm taehyung and this is jeongguk," taehyung spoke on behalf of jeongguk.

"yes, taehyung and jeongguk and they're in love!" jimin exclaimed, not letting the last part go unnoticed.

the smile from the girl's face disappears, and she goes back to laying down, deciding to resume her nap. "oh great, another gay couple, welcome to the family," she drowned in sarcasm.

"don't mind her, she's always this crappy. why are you so cold?"

"and who should i blame for that, park jimin?" she asked, sending daggers towards jimin.

"anyways, moving on, that's yoo jeongyeon, our manager, has shifts whenever she feels like it or someone is away. oh i almost forgot, jeongguk's the one who gave that song list i think, eunha told me, she was on shift that day. and this is min yoongi, our pâtissier and owner. jeongyeon is yoongi's half-sister."

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