fifteen: campfire

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"let's go," jimin exclaimed, running into the break room where taehyung and jeongguk were taste testing yoongi's cakes. the three males looked at the blonde, not uttering out a work, but resumed to what they were doing.

"so how does it taste?" yoongi completely ignoring the pouting boy.

"it's really good hyung," taehyung told the older flashing two thumbs up. they had decided to learn about each other and found out both jimin and yoongi were older than jeongguk and taehyung.

"maybe a bit more walnuts in this one," jeongguk pointed at the cappuccino cake.

yoongi nodded, taking back the platter with all the cakes, "thanks, it's closing time. i need to clean up the kitchen."

"hubby," jimin whined.

"tell me after i come back chimmie," yoongi said,  leaving the still pouting boy behind.

"where'd you wanna go?" jeongguk asks, remembering the grand entrance the older had made.

"somewhere," he replied with a grin.

the three boy waited for the older to come back, talking about each other's interest.

"no way! you like céline dion too?" taehyung yelled out to jimin, who screamed out an of course.

jeongguk just shaked his head, not feeling like the youngest in the room but the babysitter of these two fanboying teens.

"okay, kitchen's cleaned. tables cleared out. lights all out," yoongi entered the break room.

after pushing back in all the chairs, and turning of all the lights, the boys left the break room, exiting through the back entrance.

"jeongyeon ended up not coming, i hope that brat didn't run into any trouble," yoongi said looking up at the night sky.

"she texted me, she decided to visit her friend's instead," jimin took out his phone, showing yoongi the text.

"how come she texts you but not me?"

jimin just raised his shoulders.

"anyways, where are we going?" yoongi question the younger who was leading the way.

"the spot," jimin said.

"the spot?" jeongguk questioned.

yoongi ignoring the question, looked at jimin, "is that what you're carrying in that bag?"

jimin nodded, then looked back at jeongguk, "you'll see soon."

the group of boys kept walking, until they reached the forest that covered almost half of their small town. yoongi took lead from that point, making sure to hold onto jimin's hand. although jimin knew the way, he still loved being protected by yoongi. taehyung and jeongguk followed closely behind, as neither of them knew where they were heading.

"here we are," jimin stopper, opening his hands, showing of their destination.

it was a campsite, with a burnt out campfire. yoongi walked over and started making the fire with the already collected branches the previous batch of campers had left behind. jimin, taehyung, and jeongguk took a seat on the rocks circling the fire.

"we used to come here all the time with our friends, well ex-friends," jimin said with a frown, "anyways, i brought marshmallows and drinks," he showed off the bag.

"i haven't roasted marshmallows since i was ten," jeongguk said with a smile, showing of so clearly with the light being produced from the now lit fire. yoongi created the fire pretty quickly, considering he didn't use a lighter.

they all grabbed a stick and a marshmallow, slowly roasting it.

"shit, i burnt mine," taehyung cursed out, making jeongguk let out a giggle.

jeongguk switched their sticks, taking taehyung's burnt marshmallow off. "here, take mine. the trick is to rotate the marshmallow as it's roasting, and not putting it too close to the fire," jeongguk looked back at taehyung, "i used to do this all the time with my mom."

taehyung leant in and planted a quick peck on jeongguk's lips. "what was that for?" jeongguk asked, taken aback by the sudden touch.

"a thank you," taehyung pointed at the marshmallow, "for the marshmallow." he took a bite, "it tastes great."

jeongguk looked back at his marshmallow. he was grateful the night was able to hide the light pink tint his cheeks displayed.

"why can't you ever do go something like that," jimin said, resting his head of yoongi's shoulder.

yoongi scoffed, "when do i not do something like that?"

the two younger laughed at the elder couple.

"anyone want a beer?" yoongi asked, taehyung being the only one to raise his hand. he grabbed the bag jimin had brought, which held four beer cans. he took two out, and tossed one at taehyung, who caught it, almost letting it slip past him him. "thanks," taehyung said, cracking it open. they both motioned their cans towards each other as a way of saying cheers, and took a big gulp.

they all laughed and talked. shared dumb secrets like they were all high school kids again. tossed marshmallows in the air, trying to catch it in their mouths. the fun never ended. they danced, blasted music, and even sang along to them, purposely cracking their voices.

at the end, they sat around the fire, both couples cuddled up against each other with the two sets of blankets jimin had brought along. they all ignored the time, well until taehyung alarm went off, reminding him of his shift.

jeongguk couldn't imagine a better night, and it was all thanks to being involved with a boy named taehyung.

i feel like jeongguk's personality is changing way too drastically from how he was in the beginning?
he was originally supposed to be a sarcastic and simple-minded guy. i guess he still is? idk
also, y'all probably won't see yoonmin for a while.
bye <3

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