sixty-six: my dumb hyung

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"and here's our third place winner, jeon jeongguk," the mc announced. jeongguk got up from his seat in the stage and went to the front. the bidders and audience clapped, taehyung clapping the loudest. the boy took a bow and thanked everyone for the warm welcome. he introduced himself properly and also quickly promoted jeon's corner.

the mc thanked jeongguk, leading him back to the seats on the stage with the other winners.

"we will be starting the auction for this wonderful piece. starting off with one hundred thousand."

bidders began increasing the price. many had an eye out for the painting, making jeongguk all giddy.

"eight hundred thousand. going once. going twice. an—"

"one million!" a voice that jeongguk knew all too well screamed. the boy looked up to see taehyung's flaming eyes.

"one million two hundred thousand," the previous bidder said.

and taehyung should've learned to stop and leave the bidder there, but of course he didn't. "one million three hundred thousand!"

the bidder didn't seem like he was about to quit either. "tch, two million."

the room became so quiet that they'd be able to hear a pin drop. jeongguk's mouth was wide open with just one thought in his head, "damn those rich people." he also prayed taehyung wouldn't say anything stupid, but the older was too astonished to even breathe.

the mc finally came back to his senses and continued the auction, letting everyone know the man has become the new owner of jeongguk's painting. the rest of the auction went own, but the bids were never able to go as high as the third place winner's. once everything came to an end, bidders were invited to claim their piece of artwork and meet the artist behind them.

"hello, i'm jung hoseok," the man who had just received jeongguk's painting said cheerfully. he extended out his hand for the other to shake. "great painting you go there."

"thank you very much," jeongguk said with a small bow.

"do you do any international services at your jeon's corner?"

"yes, we will be soon."

hoseok reached back to his pocket and grabbed out his wallet, retrieving what seemed to be a business card. "here you go, contact me when you can." the card was english and the number seemed quite foreign.

once taehyung had finally been able to get through the crowd of people, he was able to get to jeongguk and hoseok. "uh, hello, am i interrupting something?"

"you were the guy that also wanted the painting, right!" hoseok beamed.

taehyung nodded shyly.

"sorry, i just really wanted that painting, it's very nice."

"it's alright, just wanted to bid on something at least once tonight."

hoseok turned his gaze back to jeongguk. "anyways, what gave you the inspiration for this work?"

jeongguk began explaining his love for astronomy and stars, not even mentioning anything high of what was painted under the stars. taehyung may or may have not gotten just a teensy bit jealous that jeongguk was smiling so wide at a man who he had just met. this lead him to snake his arm around the boy's waist. the boy instantly froze and stopped speaking, hoseok giving them a look of confusion.

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